Holistic Therapy for People with Dissociative Identity Disorder

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : June 2017
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 132
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Category 2 :
Trauma and Violence - Catalogue No : 39803
- ISBN 13 : 9781782205630
- ISBN 10 : 1782205632
Also by Valerie Sinason
Also by Patricia Frankish
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This book puts forward a model of therapy and support for people with DID that provides individual therapy, staff support, and a safe place to live. It relies upon the ideas of Bowlby by providing a secure base and this recognises the attachment needs. It also includes staff who are trained to provide a therapeutic environment and also receive support to do their work.The fourth element after the base, the staff, and the training, is the individual therapy. Together it has been possible to adopt a holistic approach which leads to a significant improvement in quality of life for individuals with DID, and confidence for commissioners and teams in the approach. By including the perspective of all the players and presenting a practical model for successful working, the book will be invaluable to anyone looking to commission or provide services for this client group.
Reviews and Endorsements
‘Dr Patricia Frankish and Dr Valerie Sinason, two of the world’s leading experts on the treatment and prevention of trauma, have produced a magnificent book about the complex and still often misunderstood subject of dissociative identity disorder. Written for service users and for professionals alike, this well-crafted and clearly structured text provides an immense amount of clear understanding of the phenomenology, the causes, the consequences and, moreover, about the most humane and sophisticated forms of treatment for dissociation. This moving and informative book deserves to become a standard text. I know of no other publication which approaches the subject of dissociative identity disorder with such compassion and intelligence.’
— Professor Brett Kahr, Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Psychotherapy and Mental Health, Centre for Child Mental Health, London, and Senior Fellow, Tavistock Relationships, Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology
‘I am so delighted that this long-awaited book has been published. It contains both theory and practical examples that I find ring true with my experience of working therapeutically with people with DID. These shocking but true stories bring humanity back to those treated in an inhuman way. The outline of care provision will bring tears of joy to some in being understood and sadness to others with their needs still unmet. This is an important book.’
— Deborah Briggs, psychotherapist specialising in DID, and chair of the Paracelsus Trust
About the Editor(s)
Pat Frankish is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist with many years of experience in the field of disability. Her doctoral study established a method for measuring emotional developmental stages in people who had suffered trauma and consequent interference in the developmental process. She is from Lincolnshire and after working in a range of settings and spending six years in North Yorkshire and Teesside, she has settled back in Lincolnshire with her own business in partnership with her daughter. They specialise in providing services for people with complex needs, using the model that Pat has developed. They offer direct support, training, and therapy, either as a package or one component. For those who need it they also provide accommodation. Pat has been President of the British Psychological Society, was a founding member of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Disability, and is an active member of her local Church and community.
More titles by Patricia Frankish
Valerie Sinason is a poet, writer, child psychotherapist and adult psychoanalyst. She is Founder Director of the Clinic for Dissociative Studies and President of the Institute for Psychotherapy. She is an Honorary Consultant Psychotherapist at the University of Cape Town Child Guidance Clinic and Chair of Trustees of the First People Centre, New Bethesda, South Africa. She is a Patron of Dorset Action on Abuse (DAA), editor of Trauma Dissociation and Multiplicity and co-editor of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy after Child abuse. She has published numerous articles and books, including two poetry collections. Valerie Sinason was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the ISSTD (International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation) in April 2016.
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