Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Transactional Analysis: Theory and Narration of a Living Experience

Author(s) : Anna Emanuela Tangolo

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Transactional Analysis: Theory and Narration of a Living Experience

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The main values and principles of Transactional Analysis, in its original psychodynamic matrix, become a concrete experience in this book thanks to the accurate description of the daily practice of a long-experienced therapist: Anna Emanuela Tangolo. Analyzing several cases, the author examines the clinical tools of Berne’s group therapy and the analysis of dreams, without however neglecting other important aspects such as preparing the setting or leading an interview. Particular relevance is given to the therapeutic relationship, seen as the interweaving of an experience in order to send stimuli to the patient so as to re-structure his or her intrapsychic world through rigorous and precise inputs, analysable in linguistic sequences. This book is meant not only for those who study psychotherapy, but also for anyone who wants to learn about clinical TA and its functioning.

Reviews and Endorsements

‘This book is a major contribution to contemporary transactional analysis and one that advances Eric Berne’s original relational perspective. Anna Emanuela Tangolo achieves her task of integrating psychodynamic psychotherapy with transactional analysis by weaving a number of strands together – including a strong personal narrative, a grounding in aesthetics and aesthetic ways of knowing, good and poignant clinical examples, and the significance of spirituality – to create a tapestry that is not only rich in images (womb, acting, incubator, sailing, etc.), but also offers rich pickings for the reader and clinician.
Drawing on her knowledge of philosophy (Arendt, Gibran, Heidegger, Jaspers), psychology, and psychotherapy, Tangolo offers a clear, elegant, and often poetic narrative that outlines a sophisticated, yet practical, transactional analysis for the contemporary clinician. Other gems include an emphasis on listening, a great explication of Berne’s therapeutic operations, and the reclaiming of transactional analysis as a group therapy. This book is beautifully written and translated and worth buying for the introduction alone. I highly recommend it.’
— Keith Tudor, Associate Professor, Auckland University of Technology

‘Most of us have, for many years, been waiting for Anna Emanuela Tangolo to write about her long and intense activity as a psychotherapist, counsellor, and trainer. Her book suggests a personalised approach to the world of the transactional analytical literature. This book represents a very effective and enjoyable tool, which intends not to replace but to integrate with a more technical literature.’
— Michele Novellino, from the Preface

About the Author(s)

Anna Emanuela Tangolo is a psychotherapist and Director of the PerFormat Psychotherapy Specializing School (Pisa and Catania, Italy). She is accredited by the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA) as a Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA) and as a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA). In 2012 she founded PerFormat Salute, a professional network for the promotion of psycho-physical health involving over eighty professionals – counsellors, psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists – in more than twenty polyfunctional centres all around Italy.

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Customer Reviews

Our customers have given this title an average rating of 5 out of 5 from 1 review(s), add your own review for this title.

Nick Fouche on 23/05/2015 22:08:28

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Tangolo's book is directed to all wishing to know what really occurs in the psychotherapy consulting room, explaining the secrets of treatment to patients and therapists as well as to those who are curious to understand this mysterious world. The stories recounted are stimulating and encouraging: one can feel better, finding a healing which is personal and special.

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