The Greening of Psychoanalysis: André Green's New Paradigm in Contemporary Theory and Practice

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : June 2017
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 192
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 39754
- ISBN 13 : 9781782205623
- ISBN 10 : 1782205624
Also by Gregorio Kohon
The Dead Mother: The Work of Andre Green
Price £37.99
Also by Rosine J. Perelberg
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The influence of André Green on psychoanalysis has been immeasurable - his theoretical, clinical and cultural contributions have identified him as one of the most important psychoanalytic thinkers of our times. The present book brings together a group of eminent psychoanalysts from different parts of the world, all of whom presented the papers included in this volume at the 2015 Conference on The Greening of Psychoanalysis. Every one of these texts conveys a rich sense of continuing a conversation, always creative, albeit challenging, forever engaging and fruitful, with André Green. This book is an invitation to the reader to join in.
Reviews and Endorsements
'The authors who contribute to The Greening of Psychoanalysis offer a kind of “Planet Green” that we are invited to explore and perhaps even inhabit analytically. They reside in the symbolic environment created by André Green. As Kohon reminds us, in the words of Shakespeare, “we are such stuff as dreams are made on”. At the outset, Rosine Perelberg’s impressive study highlights Green’s major contributions on narcissism, thirdness, psychic temporality, and the death drives, as well as the openings towards the obscure domains of clinical practice with borderline patients. Poetry is never far from Green’s discourse, as the unforgettable dead mother reminds us. The idea of the negative is to the unconscious what perspective was to painting in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries: it offers depth and space. The book is a testament to the eloquence and creativity that Green, as well as the authors inspired by him, have brought to all domains of human endeavour, be they clinical or aesthetic. We cannot be the same analysts after Green as we were before.”
- Jean Claude Rolland, Training Analyst of the Association Psychanalytique de France, author, and co-editor of the 30 volumes of Libres Cahiers Pour la Psychanalyse
About the Editor(s)
Rosine Jozef Perelberg, PhD, is a Fellow and Training Analyst of the British Psychoanalytic Society, Visiting Professor in the Psychoanalysis Unit at University College London, and Corresponding Member of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society. She edited Gender and Power in Families (with Ann Miller); Psychoanalytic Understanding of Violence and Suicide; Female Experience: Four Generations of British Women Psychoanalysts on Work with Women (with Joan Raphael-Leff); Freud: A Modern Reader; Time and Memory; and Dreaming and Thinking. She is the author of Time, Space and Phantasy and Murdered Father, Dead Father: Revisiting the Oedipus Complex (2015). In 2007 she was named one of the ten women of the year by the Brazilian National Council of Women.
More titles by Rosine J. Perelberg
Gregorio Kohon is a Fellow and Training Analyst of the British Psycho-Analytical Society and works in London in private practice. He edited The British School of Psychoanalysis: The Independent Tradition, and The Dead Mother: The Work of André Green. He also published No Lost Certainties to be Recovered; Love and its Vicissitudes (co-authored with André Green), and Reflections on the Aesthetic Experience: Psychoanalysis and the Uncanny (2015). He is also a poet and a writer. His new book, British Psychoanalysis - An Independent Tradition is to be published in 2018.
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