When Work Takes Control: The Psychology and Effects of Work Addiction

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2008
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 152
- Category :
Organisational Psychology - Category 2 :
Addictions - Catalogue No : 26206
- ISBN 13 : 9781855755932
- ISBN 10 : 1855755939
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The purpose of this book is to explain, first, what happens when we become too involved in our work, and, second, how we avoid being controlled by our work and how we prevent family members, friends, colleagues, or employees from being so. In addition, it is hoped that the book will help bring about a debate about our work habits and initiate thought and discussion about our values and how much space work should be allowed to take up in our lives. The book is addressed to everyone who deals with the psychological working environment, among them business managers and counsellors who treat people with work-related problems. In addition, anyone who wishes to establish a better balance between their work life and private life would benefit from reading the book.
Reviews and Endorsements
'The organizational psychologist Pernille Rasmussen has written a brilliant book: "When Work Takes Control". In the book, she describes with great insight what work means to us, and the possible consequence that, in the current climate, we could develop an addiction to it. She explores our complex psychological relationship with work, identifies the danger signs of addiction, and suggests methods for avoiding or counteracting such addiction.'
- Bo Bergstrøm, FOA
'Pernille Rasmussen has written an important and very accessible book about workaholism. This book ought to be available in all workplaces and should be read by all managers.'
- Tina Sørensen, Psychologist
About the Author(s)
Pernille Rasmussen is a graduate in psychology and has worked for several years as an occupational psychologist for both the public sector and for private companies. She teaches and inspires people in her workshops and lectures, and she also coaches managers and individuals.
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