Attachment and Family Therapy

Author(s) : Patricia McKinsey Crittenden, Author(s) : Rudi Dallos, Author(s) : Andrea Landini, Author(s) : Kasia Kozlowska

Attachment and Family Therapy

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About the Author(s)

Patricia McKinsey Crittenden is a developmental psychopathologist who worked with Mary Ainsworth at the University of Virginia to develop the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) of attachment and adaptation. She pioneered video-feedback with maltreating mothers in the early 1970s, ran a family support centre, trained as a behavioural and family systems therapist, was the Director of the Miami Child Protection Team, and consulted to family courts in several countries. She has developed a life-span series of assessments of attachment. In 2004, she was given a Career Achievement Award by the European Family Therapy Association. She has published more than 100 empirical papers and chapters, as well as several books, and is the founding Chair of The International Association for the Study of Attachment.

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Rudi Dallos is Programme Director and Professor in Clinical Psychology on the Plymouth University doctoral training course in clinical psychology. He is also a consultant clinical psychologist and teaches on several family therapy training courses. He has published a number books including Researching Psychotherapy and Counselling (2005, co-written with Arlene Vetere), Attachment Narrative Therapy (2006) and Reflective Practice in Psychotherapy and Counselling (2009, co-edited with Jacqui Stedmon).

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Andrea Landini is a child and adolescent psychiatrist. For two decades, he collaborated with Patricia Crittenden in the development of the Dynamic-Maturational Model. He teaches the DMM and its assessment methods internationally, has published many articles and edited volumes on the DMM. He is on the faculty of several Italian schools of cognitive and family systems psychotherapy.

Kasia Kozlowska is a child and adolescent psychiatrist at The Children's Hospital in Sydney, Australia, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Paediatrics and Child Health, and Clinician Researcher at the Brain Dynamics Centre, all in the University of Sydney Medical School. She has published numerous papers, particularly on the topics of mind-body interactions, treatment of children with somatic symptoms, multimodal approaches for complex presentations, and the integration of DMM and systems thinking into clinical practice.

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