Integrative Gestalt Practice: Transforming our Ways of Working with People

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2015
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 240
- Category :
Gestalt Therapy - Category 2 :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 36647
- ISBN 13 : 9781782202516
- ISBN 10 : 178220251X
About the Author(s)
Mikael Sonne is a psychologist specialising in psychotherapy and a supervisor at postgraduate level. He is the founder and director of the Aarhus Gestalt Institute and a co-founder of the Center for Integrative Gestalt Practice - IGP. Mikael is head of a postgraduate gestalt training programme for psychologists and head of an educational programme in personal leadership development for executives. In his practice as a psychologist Mikael works with coaching, supervision, organisational development, and therapy. He is a guest lecturer on IGP in the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences at Aarhus University. He is a leading member of the Danish gestalt therapy forum. He has a background as a psychologist in psychiatric settings, and has received gestalt training from Erving and Miriam Polster at the Gestalt Training Center in San Diego, from Natasha Mann, Barrie Simmons, Todd Burley, Gary Yontef and others, and from Bob Moore on meditation and energy work
Jan Tønnesvang, PhD, is a psychologist and professor of psychology at the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences at Aarhus University. He is head of the research unit for Integrative Psychology and the Network for Integrative Vitalising psychology, Intervention and Bildung. He is a co-founder of the Center for Integrative Gestalt Practice – IGP, and a cofounder of the Integral Network, Jan is a trained gestalt therapist and combines his academic and practical interests in efforts to develop Integrative Gestalt Practice (IGP) and Integral Vitalising Psychology (IVP) as a combined holistic approach to understand and work with human 'Bildung' processes. He has developed a strategy called theoretically-based practice development, aimed at developing vitalising environments in educational, psychological, and organisational settings. He has authored and co-authored a large number of scientific articles and books.