Sex Therapy with Religious Patients: Working with Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Communities

Author(s) : Caleb Jacobson

Sex Therapy with Religious Patients: Working with Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Communities

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 340
  • Category :
    Family, Couple and Systemic Therapy
  • Catalogue No : 97847
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032149721
  • ISBN 10 : 1032149728

About the Author(s)

Caleb Jacobson, PsyD, PhD, is an internationally recognized clinical psychologist, sex therapist, and Bible scholar. Currently, he serves as president of both the School of Sex Therapy and the International Association of Psychosexual Therapists.

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