Essentials of Compassion Focused Therapy: A Practice Manual for Clinicians

Author(s) : Nicola Petrocchi, Author(s) : James Kirby, Author(s) : Beatrice Baldi

Essentials of Compassion Focused Therapy: A Practice Manual for Clinicians

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 520
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 97848
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032565545
  • ISBN 10 : 1032565543

About the Author(s)

Nicola Petrocchi, PhD, PsyD, is a psychotherapist, researcher, adjunct professor of psychology at John Cabot University (Rome), the founder and director of Compassionate Mind Italia, and an international trainer of CFT.

James Kirby, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, researcher, and Co-Director of the Compassionate Mind Research Group at the University of Queensland.He is an international trainer of CFT.

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Beatrice Baldi, PhD scholar, is a clinical psychologist, 500H-certified Yoga teacher certified in Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, and a trainer in CFT. She has been collaborating for several years with Dr. Nicola Petrocchi in spreading a Compassion-focused approach to yoga.

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