The Queerness of Psychoanalysis: From Freud and Lacan to Laplanche and Beyond

Editor : Vanessa Sinclair, Editor : Elisabeth Punzi, Editor : Myriam Sauer

The Queerness of Psychoanalysis: From Freud and Lacan to Laplanche and Beyond

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 296
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97879
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032603827
  • ISBN 10 : 1032603828

About the Editor(s)

Vanessa Sinclair, PsyD, is a psychoanalyst based in Stockholm. Dr Sinclair is the author of Switching Mirrors, editor of Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics and Poetry, and co-editor of On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives with Dr Manya Steinkoler.

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Elisabeth Punzi is a licensed psychologist and a lecturer at the Department of Psychology at Gothenburg University (GU), Sweden. She leads a project concerning heritage and health at the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies, GU and teaches psychoanalytic theory, psychology of religion and qualitative research methods, and many other topics.

Myriam Sauer is a PhD canditate at the Latin-America Institute of Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, as well as a writer and poet. Her primary academic interests lie in the fields of psychoanalysis, queer studies, literature, and sociology.

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