Problem Solving Treatment for Anxiety and Depression: A Practical Guide
Book Details
- Publisher : Oxford University Press
- Published : 2005
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 21457
- ISBN 13 : 9780198528425
- ISBN 10 : 0198528426
Reviews and Endorsements
The first chapter of the book provides a brief description of the theory which lead to the development of problem-solving treatment. The research trials underpinning the effectiveness of treatment are discussed in chapter two. Chapters three to seven provide a detailed manual for potential therapists. The structure of problem-solving is set out supported by many relevant clinical examples. Detailed advice is given as to how to structure a course of problem-solving. Case examples of howproblem-solving develops over a course of treatment are set out. Advice for would-be practitioners as to how best to deliver problem-solving and also guidance as to potential pitfalls are given. Chapter eight sets out the content of a two day course suitable for teaching problem-solving.
Contents: 1. Introduction to problem-solving; 2. Evidence supporting the use of problem-solving; 3. The seven stages of problem-solving treatment; 4. THow to structure a six session course of problem-solving treatment; 5. Other techniques to assist problem-solving; 6. Three courses of problem-solving tretment; 7. General psychotherapeutic skills; 8. Additional guidelines for effective problem-solving treatment; 9. Teaching problem-solving treatment; References; Appendix 1 - Problem-solving worksheet; Appendix 2 - Problem-solving patient handout; Appendix 3 - Activity scheduling patient handout; Appendix 4 - Problem list; Problem-solving treatment training timetable