The Klein-Winnicott Dialectic: Transformative New Metapsychology and Interactive Clinical Theory

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2014
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 320
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Category 2 :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 33129
- ISBN 13 : 9781780491240
- ISBN 10 : 1780491247
Reviews and Endorsements
‘In this extraordinary tour de force of the contemporary object relational integrative thought, Dr Kavaler-Adler builds bridges where others see divides. She offers in-depth exploration of major theoretical concepts of both Klein and Winnicott, seen here in their reciprocally enriching dialectic interaction. In the book, the dialectically interactive concepts become further elegantly integrated. The interactive reciprocity of such concepts as mourning, object survival, potential and transitional space, and others is comprehensibly exemplified by rich clinical material. The book presents a major theoretical and clinical contribution to the psychodynamic and psychoanalytic thought and clinical practice, as it not only extends the present day object relational conceptual base and its clinical applicability, it also provides a dynamic integration template with the widest clinical and theoretical relevance.’
— Eva D. Papiasvili, PhD, ABPP, Clinical Supervising Faculty, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University; Editorial Board member, International Journal of Group Psychotherapy
‘I found the book to be quite an elegant testimony of Dr Kavaler-Adler’s unique capacity to elucidate and integrate the tremendous and complex contributions of not only these two pillars of the object relations theories but also of other object relations theoreticians and beyond. It is a must read for anyone interested in reaching a more profound understanding of these giants and the way their unique and apparently different theoretical emphases can be integrated into a cohesive whole. It is written with the clarity of a master who is able to elucidate complex and far-reaching concepts in ways that even those familiar with these theories can appreciate and admire.’
— Rafael Art Javier, PhD, ABPP, Professor of Psychology and Director of Postgraduate Professional Development Programs, St. John’s University
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Read a review of this title in 'Psychoanalytic Psychology'