Sex, Death, and the Superego: Updating Psychoanalytic Experience and Developments in Neuroscience

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2020
- Cover : Paperback
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Category 2 :
Neuroscience - Catalogue No : 95278
- ISBN 13 : 9780367439729
- ISBN 10 : 9780367439
Reviews and Endorsements
As always, reading Ronald Britton is a mental treat. In this new edition he updates his views with more clinical evidence and reflection and his current interest in neuroscience. As he puts it, ‘It is clearer to me now that the scientific context from which psychoanalysis first emerged has changed radically and that it needs to take account of it.’ The book is packed with clinical insight, his superbly articulate way of making theory relevant and his mastery of language and turns of phrase. It’s essential reading for anyone who wants to practice real psychoanalysis.
Professor David Tuckett, Department of Science, Technology and Public Policy, University College London, Fellow, Institute of Psychoanalysis, London
Ronald Britton’s papers over the past 30 years have been beacons of clarity and creativity. He has reformulated Kleinian thinking in the same paradigm shift way that Bion did 60 years ago. I have learnt more from his writings than any other member of our Society writing today.
Professor Peter Fonagy, Fellow, Institute of Psychoanalysis, Professor of Psychoanalysis, and Director, Mental Health Programme, University College London
Ronald Britton’s work demonstrates an independence of thought that to me exemplifies one of his finest ideas, namely the emancipation of the ego from the dominance of the super-ego. The ego judges what ‘is’ while the super-ego is concerned with what ‘should be.’ As a leading thinker of his generation Britton exemplifies his own emancipation as he escapes from the tyranny of conventional thinking to break new ground. This is shown in abundance in this important book, now skilfully updated.
Dr. John Steiner, Distinguished Fellow, British Psychoanalytical Society
The importance of Ronald Britton’s original contributions to the development of psychoanalytic thinking - both theoretical and clinical, and also as applied to artistic creativity through his studies of literature - is beyond question. This new edition brings back the excellence of the first, further enriched by the result of a continuous process of lively rethinking...
Ignês Sodré, The International Journal of Psychoanalysis