Christopher Bollas: A Contemporary Introduction
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2022
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 132
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 96409
- ISBN 13 : 9780367819569
- ISBN 10 : 9780367819
Reviews and Endorsements
"The subject of this book is nothing less than "the necessity" and problematics "of seeking truth" as analysts confront the vital enigmas of the human mind and attempt to articulate and address the problems to which they give rise.It is not only an important explication of the contributions of a remarkable analyst, but it is a remarkable book by a remarkable author, one that should prove essential reading to clinicians at all levels as they struggle to engage with and create the psychoanalysis of the 21st century." - Howard B. Levine, Editor-in-chief, The Routledge W.R. Bion Studies series.
"Steven Jaron’s moving account of his work with his patients, with Christopher Bollas as his theoretical and psychic guide, gives the lay reader a touching insight into how the psychoanalytic process can bring compassion and healing. Bollas’s work to uncover the mostly hidden, in the form of the unthought known, is given historical and emotional background in Jaron’s thoughtful book whose starting point is the search for reverie in Bollas – the analyst as a seer, a feeling observer of our shadow selves." - Anish Kapoor