Psychoanalytic Approaches to Forgiveness and Mental Health

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2023
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 222
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 97325
- ISBN 13 : 9781032427911
- ISBN 10 : 1032427914
Reviews and Endorsements
This is profound book on a deep subject by an erudite and reflective group. Yes, forgiveness in the face of catastrophic loss and the vital role the capacity for it plays in all lives, gets to the heart of many questions in mental health. But as these authors show, it is a topic far wider – stretching into the deepest and most monstrous issues in our societies and their histories and to the deepest concerns of poets, novelists, philosophers, and theologians. It is hard to think of a better group of people to tackle the subject. And it is a very contemporary subject looking at the world today - particularly enlightened by new looks at the idea of the internal saboteur within each of us and the hardened myths and repetitive behaviours it threatens. Very strongly recommended to all with an interest in the human condition.
Professor David Tuckett, Department of Science, Technology and Public Policy, University College London, Fellow, Institute of Psychoanalysis, London
The central role of forgiveness in psychic life is attested by this fine book and underlined throughout the various authors’ inspiring chapters. Ronald Britton suggests that what feels unforgiven or unforgiveable arises from the internalization of unforgiving internal objects. With chapters ranging from deep reflections on the clinic to analyses of works of literature, religion, and music, as well as a chapter on the Holocaust, this skilfully edited and important book is full of gems and illuminating insights.
Rosine Perelberg is a Training and Supervising Analyst, and Past President of the British Psychoanalytical Society. She has written and edited several books, including Sexuality, Excess and Representation
Britton and Novakovic have, in this most stimulating collection of contributions, put ‘Forgiveness’ at the center of the psychoanalytic spotlight. This is most appropriate in the current climate where forgiveness is often overshadowed by pressure from grievance and revenge. Forgiveness is considered in individual, interpersonal, institutional, and societal contexts and includes illustrations in literature and music. An important theme is Sodre’s view that ‘nobody who has not felt forgiven can expect to forgive’ indicating the necessity for kindness towards the self from one’s internal objects.
Dr. David Simpson, FRCPsych., Former President British Psychoanalytic Association