What Therapists Need to Know About Perinatal and Early Relational Health: A Guide to Anti-Oppressive Counseling with Caregivers, Babies, and Young Children

Author(s) : Meyleen M. Velasquez

What Therapists Need to Know About Perinatal and Early Relational Health: A Guide to Anti-Oppressive Counseling with Caregivers, Babies, and Young Children

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 240
  • Category :
    Child and Adolescent Studies
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97727
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032256504
  • ISBN 10 : 1032256508

Reviews and Endorsements

What Therapists Need to Know About Perinatal and Early Relational Health does a beautiful job of breaking down the silos of infant and perinatal mental health while looking critically at their foundational theories from an anti-oppressive lens. The result is an informative text for both new and experienced providers to examine how we show up for families with young children.
Mia Edidin, LICSW, PMH-C, clinical director at Perinatal Support Washington

This is an empowering and inspiring book that teaches readers how to lean into vulnerability and fully join caregivers during their journey. Dr. Velasquez’s innovative and brave shift from a relational to an antiracist lens creates space for cultural curiosity and self-reflection. If you care deeply about how you or your team shows up in relationship-based work, then put this book on your required reading list.
Dr Harleen Hutchinson, IMH-E, executive director of The Journey Institute, Inc.

This book is essential reading for all psychotherapists who support growing families. It bridges the gap in caring for parental and infant mental health while considering collectivist, holistic frameworks. Dr. Velasquez brings about a necessary paradigm shift that I enthusiastically endorse.
Katayune Kaeni, PsyD, PMH-C, host of the Mom and Mind Podcast and board chair of Postpartum Support International

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