Time and the Unconscious: Daring and Creativity in Wilfred R. Bion

Author(s) : Goriano Rugi

Time and the Unconscious: Daring and Creativity in Wilfred R. Bion

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 242
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97806
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032658346
  • ISBN 10 : 1032658347

Reviews and Endorsements

For a long time, Wilfred Bion's thinking was considered eccentric, even foreign or paradoxical, in comparison with that of classic psychoanalysis, or it has been used in a sloganistic manner by extracting the most original concepts and turning them into catchwords that are incredibily distant from his initial communicative intentions. Rugi manages to bring him back into the scene by clarifying the origins, which concern bionian’s complete production in its entirety, and relating it in a consistent and careful manner to that of Freud’s. The result is a book that is both an excavating and an opening, highly useful and indispensable “Memory for the Future.”
Lorena Preta, is an ordinary member of the SPI and the IPA, head of the international research group Geographies of Psychoanalysis, and former director of the magazine Psiche and of Spoleto Scienza

Rugi approaches the concepts of Time and the Unconscious through his own process of dreaming Bion’s thinking. He aims to make it accessible not only to specialists, but also to a wider audience. He invites us to find out about the internal coherence in the unexpected continuity between the earliest insights into groups, and the latest thoughts on factual transformations. This exploration does not always remain static, but turns on itself; expanding, specifying, and delineating from different points. Rugi’s description of Bion clinical material provokes a process of identification and the passion of discovery.
Antònia Grimalt, M.D., is a training and supervising analyst for the Spanish Society (SEP-IPA), editor of Bion, Intuition and the Expansion of Psychoanalytic Theory and Bion and Intuition in the Clinical Setting

A timely and valuable text as through two fundamental themes of psychoanalysis, time and the unconscious, it clarifies the Freudian roots of Wilfred R. Bion's thinking, and highlights the profound differences and the richness of a new paradigm that is still evolving.
Sarantis Thanopulos, ordinary member of the SPI with training functions, is the current President of the SPI

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