Disorganisation & Sex

Author(s) : Jamieson Webster

Disorganisation & Sex

Book Details

  • Publisher : Divided Publisher
  • Published : 2022
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 240
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97831
  • ISBN 13 : 9781916425095
  • ISBN 10 : 1916425097

Reviews and Endorsements

This book is a dare. By giving desire back to sex, Webster offers us a blueprint for talking about sex at a time when we’ve forgotten how to do so.
Ricky Varghese

Putting her finger on the difficulty of sexuality, one of our savviest psychoanalytic commentators limns its impossibilities – but also its potential for inventing something new.
Tim Dean

Being dragged into the orbit of Webster’s mind is like entering the Magic Mountain: you go in as a visitor, and stay as a patient.
Tom McCarthy

Who knew the hole was what Freud had in mind when he invented psychoanalysis and wouldn’t stop saying ‘sex’. Take a tumble into Wonderland with Dr Webster and decide for yourself what counts as real.
Courtney Love

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