On Dangerous Ground: Freud’s Visual Cultures of the Unconscious

Author(s) : Diane O'Donoghue

On Dangerous Ground: Freud’s Visual Cultures of the Unconscious

Book Details

  • Publisher : Bloomsbury
  • Published : 2020
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 400
  • Category :
    Culture and Psychoanalysis
  • Catalogue No : 97858
  • ISBN 13 : 9781501363047
  • ISBN 10 : 1501363042

Reviews and Endorsements

Diane O’Donoghue's On Dangerous Ground: Freud’s Visual Cultures of the Unconscious is an original contribution to the study of psychoanalysis and our visual world. The wide range of images from Freud's world shows us how wide and deep his visual world impacted on his writing and thinking. Focussing on Freud's emphasis on visualization as a core element of the unconscious, O’Donoghue's work actually illustrates how each and every one of us incorporates our visual context, real or virtual, into the articulation of our desires. We are in complex ways what we see and thus how we dream and how we imagine ourselves. A strong, readable and compelling book!
Sander L. Gilman, Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Professor of Psychiatry, Emory University, USA

In this startlingly brilliant, original and deeply researched book, Diane O’Donoghue presents an entirely new way of understanding Freud--indeed, of writing intellectual history. She examines examples of art and architecture in Freud’s life and links his complex aesthetic responses and insights to his developing psychoanalytic theory. This remarkable book is a landmark and an absolutely indispensable understanding of Freud.
Susannah Heschel, Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College, USA

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