Our Two-Track Minds: Rehabilitating Freud on Culture

Author(s) : Robert A. Paul

Our Two-Track Minds: Rehabilitating Freud on Culture

Book Details

  • Publisher : Bloomsbury
  • Published : 2021
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 232
  • Category :
    Culture and Psychoanalysis
  • Catalogue No : 97859
  • ISBN 13 : 9781501370038
  • ISBN 10 : 1501370030

Reviews and Endorsements

Based on his dual inheritance theory, Robert Paul provides us with an excellent integration of contemporary psychoanalytic thinking, evolutionary theory, and cultural anthropology, without minimizing the contributions of each of them. This thought-provoking book shows ways to bridge the gap between the disciplines and how this opens up new insights and approaches for psychoanalytic theory-building.
Werner Bohleber, PhD, psychoanalyst, former editor-in-chief of the German psychoanalytic journal Psyche

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