Critical Theory Between Klein and Lacan: A Dialogue

Author(s) : Mari Ruti, Author(s) : Amy Allen

Critical Theory Between Klein and Lacan: A Dialogue

Book Details

  • Publisher : Bloomsbury
  • Published : 2021
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 272
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97863
  • ISBN 13 : 9781501378324
  • ISBN 10 : 1501378325

Reviews and Endorsements

This vibrant conversation of two brilliant theorists gives readers a chance to understand why psychoanalytic theory matters for thinking about subjectivity, affect, creativity, and politics. In conversational mode, these interlocutors bring to life difficult and important concepts, exploring the tensions among psychoanalytic positions, and giving an acute sense of life to theoretical concepts. This book makes the case for thinking carefully and well about key dimensions of selfhood, relationality, psychic states, and social relations. It brings one into the living character of thought, the fecundity of dialogue, and provides a model for intellectual friendship for our times. The text speaks to the specialist and to the curious, and helps to illuminate key concepts about psychic and social life that prove to be indispensable for understanding ourselves in the world.
Judith Butler, Maxine Elliot Professor of Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, USA, and author of The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection (1997)

I feel like I’ve pulled up a chair to the dining room table, strewn with all the texts that Jacques Lacan and Melanie Klein have ever written, where Mari Ruti and Amy Allen sit immersed in conversation, intent on discovering―and explaining with erudite ease―the common touch points of two of the twentieth century’s most important thinkers.
Noelle McAfee, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Psychoanalytic Studies Program, Emory University, USA

Everything you wanted to know about Melanie Klein but were legitimately afraid to ask Jacques Lacan! This extended staging of an encounter between Klein and Lacan is long overdue, a god-send and a necessity for our contemporary times. How is it that we have not put on fertile ground the two heavy weights of post-Freudian theory? The intimate exchange between Amy Allen and Mari Ruti guides us through the most difficult terrain, from alienation to paranoia and castration, from depressive anxieties to love and symbiosis.
Jamieson Webster, Psychoanalyst based in New York, USA, and author of Conversion Disorder: Listening to the Body in Psychoanalysis

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