Artists, Writers and Philosophers on Psychoanalysis: From the Couch

Author(s) : Mariano Horenstein

Artists, Writers and Philosophers on Psychoanalysis: From the Couch

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 323
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97874
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032708355
  • ISBN 10 : 1032708352

Reviews and Endorsements

The psychoanalytic author takes the reader on an exciting journey to internationally renowned artists, writers and philosophers. Most of these artists and thinkers have had personal experiences with psychoanalysis, some of them for decades, and it is fascinating to experience in the dialogues how much artistic-creative and psychoanalytical processes can mutually fertilize each other. Is this an elitist undertaking? No, because in his conversations with well-known individuals, the author can demonstrate the effectiveness of psychoanalysis, which otherwise would not become visible for reasons of confidentiality. A wonderful book that deserves many readers.
Heribert Blass, MD., IPA President elect

The publication of this book marks a significant milestone. Mariano Horenstein's interview project, boosted with the support of the IPA, has come to fruition, promising to captivate a broad and diverse audience. From filmmakers to philosophers, each interviewee candidly shares how psychoanalysis has shaped their work and personal journey. The book also reveals the profound impact of psychoanalysis on creativity, self-discovery, and societal understanding. It provides a captivating glimpse into the timeless significance of our discipline in comprehending the human mind and enhancing lives across various fields.
Virginia Ungar, M.D., IPA Past President (2017-2021)

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