Jung's Word Association Experiment: Manual for Training and Practice

Author(s) : John O'Brien, Author(s) : Nada O'Brien

Jung's Word Association Experiment: Manual for Training and Practice

Book Details

Reviews and Endorsements

Explicit awareness of psychological complexes can be liberating for the person, but also for those around them. In this volume, John and Nada O’Brien take the concept beyond the clinic to the reach of those in touch with wider audiences. This wonderful mission makes the WAE more accessible to researchers looking to unlock new insights from the empirical study of complexes and also to qualified professionals helping their client’s to untangle the hidden psychological knots that bind them.
Dr Lance Newey, Senior Lecturer in Business Management at Queensland Business School and Jungian Executive Coach

The WAE has kaleidoscope properties. Like light it illuminates existing realities, presenting fragments and clusters for (re)consideration. This manual shows in a unique and well researched manner how the WAE, as a professional tool, can guide and assist the practitioner in the discovery of new creative dimensions to assist the client to integrate reconfigured realities.
Hanneke Frese, Executive Coach, lecturer, INSEAD Executive Coaching (Kets De Vries Institute and KornFerry)

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