Forensic Psychoanalysis: From Sub-Clinical Psychopaths to Serial Killers

Author(s) : Brett Kahr

Forensic Psychoanalysis: From Sub-Clinical Psychopaths to Serial Killers

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Pages : 258
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97878
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032901176
  • ISBN 10 : 1032901179

Reviews and Endorsements

This is a work of genius. We are extremely blessed to have Brett Kahr as part of our community. His contributions are truly remarkable in so many different arenas.
Dr Estela Welldon is Emeritus Consultant Psychiatrist at the Portman Clinic in London and an Honorary Member of the American Psychoanalytic Association as well as the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award of the British Psychoanalytic Council

Once again, Professor Brett Kahr has given us a rich work about the treatment of all kinds of offenders. He is one of the most experienced practitioners in the field of forensic psychotherapy, and his books never fail to inform and stimulate. He writes with warmth and humanity about what he learned from decades of meeting people for therapy, and his writer’s voice is “analytic” in the best sense, going beyond the surface level. There is so much to recommend in this book, especially the chapters on the historical account of the development of forensic psychotherapy and on what Professor Kahr calls the “sub-clinical” patient, describing people with intense feelings of cruelty, hate, and rage who have no history of convictions for violence. The book ends with a plea for more psychotherapy for perpetrators of violence because it can really help people change their minds for the better – a view which I heartily endorse.
Dr. Gwen Adshead is a forensic psychiatrist and psychotherapist at Broadmoor Hospital. She has worked in prisons and secure psychiatric facilities for over thirty years and has published widely on the theory and practice of forensic psychotherapy

In this engaging book, Professor Kahr combines the intellectual rigour of an academic historian with the acumen and compassion of an experienced clinician. His analysis of the development of forensic psychotherapy is compelling and highlights the remarkable achievements of the discipline to date. Importantly, he also emphasises future roles for forensic psychotherapy in addressing social inequality, prison reform and, also, taking a preventative, public health approach to violence reduction and to “rehumanising the dehumanised”.
Dr. Colin Campbell is a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist and Associate Medical Director of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, UK, as well as the President of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy

This is an utterly splendid and extraordinary book for several reasons. Professor Kahr skilfully manages to draw us in and open our eyes to the fascinating field of forensic psychoanalysis through his expert and careful examination. Due to his vast and deep clinical knowledge, as well as his artistry as an historian par excellence, we are invited into the extreme end of human experience and its many challenging manifestations in the consulting room. This book deserves your study.
Richard Curen is Chair of the Forensic Psychotherapy Society and a member of the Board of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy. A Visiting Lecturer and Supervisor at the Portman Clinic, and a member of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Disability, he works in private practice in London

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