The Art of Holding in Therapy: An Essential Intervention for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Author(s) : Karen Kleiman

The Art of Holding in Therapy: An Essential Intervention for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 300
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97891
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032514208
  • ISBN 10 : 1032514205

Reviews and Endorsements

The generosity of knowledge, spirit and empathy is and has been deeply touching to me. As someone who has experienced postpartum depression and 'activity' after all three of my children’s births. I can say from direct experience that Karen Kleiman walks her talk and offers profound space holding for the scary, overwhelming and terrifying parts of postpartum. As well as space holding for the possibilities available and the needs buried within the vulnerability of postpartum.
This empathy in the form of masterful space holding is the antidote to the abyss of pain and challenge that lies within the vulnerable postpartum time. The information in this book supports the healing of the strange and lonely and disorienting space of postpartum vulnerability.
Having experienced, three times, the perfect storm of hormonal, emotional, trauma triggering, cultural, circumstantial, social, physical challenge… I have had the privilege of being supported by Karen in the way that is described very eloquently and astutely in this book. To say Karen Kleiman helped me through a tough period post birth is an understatement. I would go as far as to say she helped save my life.
And while Karen may quietly laugh at the passion of my appreciation for her, I am very clear: Karen’s wisdom, knowledge, empathy, vision, insight, experience and humor helped me return to who I know myself to be during a time where all seemed lost and stuck in the tar and molasses of postpartum depression, anxiety and invasive/intrusive thoughts. One investigation at a time. With a kind of space holding that instantly heals and re-connects.
My gratitude for Karen Kleiman and her powerful work knows no bounds.
I wish for the emotional, somatic and wholistic intelligence of Karen Kleiman to be available to every single birthing person who finds themself at a loss on every level during the postpartum period.
Alanis Morissette

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