The Mindful Path to Intimacy: Cultivating a Deeper Connection with Your Partner

Author(s) : James V. Cordova

The Mindful Path to Intimacy: Cultivating a Deeper Connection with Your Partner

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Reviews and Endorsements

Dr. Cordova provides heartfelt guidance for the challenges of honoring ourselves and another in meaningful, intertwined lives. The useful exercises and examples throughout the book will deepen your learning. I highly recommend this book for any couple, whether you are struggling or not. There is wisdom for all of us here.
Lizabeth Roemer, PhD, coauthor of The Mindful Way Through Anxiety

Dr. Cordova is a skilled therapist with a particular gift for imagery that gets to the heart of common relationship struggles. This book invites couples to turn toward each other for comfort and closeness, even when stress or hurt feelings get in the way. Dr. Cordova outlines mindfulness practices that can help you create a deeper, richer, more resilient relationship.
Kristina Coop Gordon, PhD, coauthor of Getting Past the Affair

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