Coaching on the Axis: Working with Complexity in Business and Executive Coaching

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2014
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 224
- Category :
Coaching - Category 2 :
Organisational Psychology - Catalogue No : 33263
- ISBN 13 : 9781780491363
- ISBN 10 : 1780491360
Customer Reviews
Our customers have given this title an average rating of 5 out of 5 from 3 review(s), add your own review for this title.
Chris Bolton on 24/06/2018 08:07:49
(5 out of 5)
This is an astounding contribution to our field. Finally someone has brought us clarity about the difference between coaching in business and life coaching. And not only that, Kahn goes on to show exactly how to make sure coaches deliver to business in a way that warrants the fees coaches ask nowadays.
Henk Struwig on 21/06/2014 06:24:55
(5 out of 5)
Coaching on the Axis is a bold statement about the value of coaching as a systemic and cross-disciplinary service to the business world. Marc Kahn expertly examines the evolution of modern coaching from its origins in psychology against the actual requirements for its success in the culture of business. This book is for serious coaches who are truly interested in tangible improvements for the organisations with which they work. Highly recommended!
Lesley-Anne Gatter on 06/06/2014 06:13:43
(5 out of 5)
Coaching on the Axis is groundbreaking, not only for coaches, but for business leaders. It’s the first text I have seen that skillfully weaves strategy, performance, and organisational culture into the conversation about executive and business coaching. Marc Kahn’s book is well-crafted, combining practical tools with insightful theory. He masterfully explains the complexity involved in managing a ‘duality of client’ in business coaching practice. It is an important read for both organizations and individuals who are committed to using business coaching for learning and development. This seminal text will, no doubt, be used to steer coaching practices going forward in the corporate world.