Energy, Soul-Connecting and Awakening Consciousness: Psychotherapy in a New Paradigm

Book Details
- Publisher : Karnac Books
- Published : 2024
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 300
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 97034
- ISBN 13 : 9781913494674
- ISBN 10 : 9781913494
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
I Introduction to Energy Psychotherapy
0 Choosing the path of joy
1 Everything is energy
2 From matter to light – working with frequency and vibrations
3 The synergy of science in energy psychotherapy- neurobiology, cellular biology and epigenetics
4 The quantum field
5 Energy psychotherapy - a new therapeutic focus
6 Psychotherapy in the quantum era - maps for working with energy and evolving consciousness
II The Practice of Energy Psychotherapy
7 Energy psychotherapy ‘toolkit’
1. Preliminaries: energy balancing, hydration and regulation
2. Kinesiology/ Muscle testing – also termed Energy testing
3. Clearing resistance (psycho-energetic reversals) using karate chop tapping
4. Meridian work
5. Waterfall Chakra clearing
6. Core Beliefs
7. Working with the creative power of thought and Intention
8 Integrating bodymindenergy and its many systems
9 The multidimensional clinical terrain - using energy psychotherapy to clear trauma at all levels
10 Evolving consciousness – awakening clients and transpersonal experiences
Bibliography and References