Who Am I? Exploring Identity through Sexuality, Politics, and Art

Author(s) : Miguel Angel Gonzalez-Torres

Who Am I? Exploring Identity through Sexuality, Politics, and Art

Book Details

  • Publisher : Karnac Books
  • Published : 2024
  • Pages : 304
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97718
  • ISBN 13 : 9781800132238
  • ISBN 10 : 1800132239

Table of Contents

About the author

Part I - Identity in the social and political sphere
1. The attraction of nationalism: identity-focused movements in large groups
2. Problematic identity of large groups: Spain as a case example
3. After the terror: A reflection on the social reaction to violence and its end
4. Identity and relational patterns in political life
5. Leadership and labor relations in contemporary corporations

Part II - Identity sexuality and gender
6. Female sexuality, nationalism and large group identity
7. Gender identity and sexuality: knowing more about us
8. Desire and submission
9. On being a father: initial developments of the paternal function

Part III - Identity art and creation
10. Art, myths and collective identity
11. Monsters, time, identity and death in “the hunger”
12. Lucian Freud: the artist and the search for identity
13. Buildings that heal: architecture and collective identity


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