Understanding Mechanisms of Change in Psychotherapies for Personality Disorders

Author(s) : Ueli Kramer, Author(s) : Kenneth N. Levy, Author(s) : Shelley McMain

Understanding Mechanisms of Change in Psychotherapies for Personality Disorders

Book Details

  • Publisher : American Psychological Association
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 272
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 97740
  • ISBN 13 : 9781433836718
  • ISBN 10 : 1433836718

Table of Contents

Introduction: Synthesizing Diverse Perspectives on Personality Disorders
1. The Importance of Developing a Focus on Mechanisms of Change in Psychotherapy
2. Personality Disorders: A Conceptualization in Functional Domains
3. The First Session of Psychotherapy and Getting Started in Treatment
4. Moving From Emotional Dysregulation to Emotional Balance
5. Moving From Problematic Social Interactions to Interpersonal Effectiveness
6. Moving From Identity Diffusion to an Integrated Sense of Self
7. Moving From Impulsive Behavior to Self-Reflection
8. Moving From Cognitive–Perceptual Disturbances to Coherent and Reality-Based Narratives
9. Challenges in the Therapeutic Relationship and How to Use Them Productively in Psychotherapy
10. Discussing Mechanisms of Change in Psychotherapies for Personality Disorders

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