Time and the Unconscious: Daring and Creativity in Wilfred R. Bion

Author(s) : Goriano Rugi

Time and the Unconscious: Daring and Creativity in Wilfred R. Bion

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 242
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97806
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032658346
  • ISBN 10 : 1032658347

Table of Contents

Foreword by Giuseppe Civitarese: New ontologies for psychoanalysis
Preface: Why Bion and why now?

Introduction: Why does one choose a theory?
- The gestalt of Bion's theory: internal coherence, complexity, fractal structure
- Chaos and beauty in Bion
- Approaching Bion's thought avoiding the "Satanic Jargonieur"
- Present and past, conscious and unconscious in Bion's legacy

First Part: Present/Past
1. Inaccessible states of the mind
- The wounds of Oedipus
- The Sphinx and the mystery of the past
- The presented past
- Old problems and new insights

2. The inaccessible and the uncontainable in the clinic
- The psychiatrist Bion
- The diagnostician Bion-Phenomenological level. Psychotic and non-psychotic personality. Alpha and beta area
- The Relational level and the container/contained model
- The functions of the analyst and the pathology of the diagnostician - The inaccessible
- The uncontainable

3. Recognising unrepresentable pain
- Premonition and signs of catastrophe
- Seeing the invisible
- The signs of the soma
- The language of achievement

4. Time and Space. Walking across the Time, between Freud and Bion
- God's writing and the tiger's coat
- Freud, the timeless unconscious and broken time
- Freud and the temporal metaphor of thought
- Bion and the spatial metaphor of thought
- The consciousness of pain in Freud
- The traces of time
- The destruction of time and space
- Evidence of contaminations and insertions between the physics and psychoanalysis of Freud and Bion
- Bergson's shadow
- Notes on memory in Freud and Bion
- Civitarese's hypothesis on the theory and genesis of time in Bion

5. Stray thoughts. Philosophy and Neurobiology in dialogue with Bion's theory of time and thinking
- Philosophical counterpoints
- What does it mean to think?
- The time of neurobiology

Second Part: Conscious/Unconscious
1. The problem of the Bionian Unconscious
- Bion's perplexities, silences and attempts at normalisation
- “Unconscioused” and “Identijected”
- The troubled path to O
- What are we talking about when we talk about the Bion’s unconscious? - Bion's unconscious and neuroscience

2. (Mythical) origins of the Unconscious
- The Freudian origin narrative
- What is at stake in the concept of the unconscious
- Bion’s narration of Origin
- Repetition and expansion. Fantasy and radical imagination
- Repression or split

3. Representation (Vortsellung) and Presentation (Darstellung)
- Centrality of representation in Freud
- Vorstellungsrepräsentanz
- Vorstellung, representation, and darstellung, presentation
- The quantum of affection
- The illusions of representation.

4. Intuition and reality of O
- Introduction of intuition as an opening to a new epistemology
- The entrance of O
- Invariants and transformations
- Interpretation as transformation
- The invariant. The zero point
- The various sides of O

5. At-one-ment, Atonement, Incarnation
- Becoming the patient
- Transformation in O
- The three models of growth
- Incarnation


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