The Subversive Edge of Psychoanalysis

Author(s) : David James Fisher

The Subversive Edge of Psychoanalysis

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 312
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97813
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032785493
  • ISBN 10 : 1032785497

Table of Contents


Part I - Erotics, Transitional Objects, and Dreamwork
1. Stoller, Erotics, Sexual Excitement
2. Transitional Objects and Generativity: Ekstein’s blending of Erikson and Winnicott
3. Concerning the Life Cycle of the Transitional Object (by Rudolf Ekstein)
4. A Conversation with Adam Phillips
5. Comments on James S. Grotstein’s Dreambook

Part II - The History of Psychoanalysis
6. Sartre’s Freud: Dimensions of Intersubjectivity in The Freud Scenario
7. Reflections on the Psychoanalytic Free Clinics
8. A Power Structure Analysis of Psychoanalytic Institutes (followed by an interview with Douglas Kirsner)
9. On the History of Lacanian Psychoanalysis in France
10. What was Revolutionary about the Psychoanalytic Revolution in Mind?
11. Discovering Wounded Healers in A Dangerous Method
12. Peter Loewenberg’s Contributions to Psychohistory and Psychoanalysis

Part III - Toward a Psychological Understanding of Resistance and Collaboration During Vichy France
13. Reflections on the Collaboration and the Jewish Question
14. To Resist and to Protect: A Critical Analysis of Weapons of the Spirit

Part IV - Funeral Orations
15. Father’s Day
16. Remembering Robert Stoller, M.D. (1924--1991)
17. Eulogy for Joseph Natterson, M.D. (1923--2023)

Part V - Psychoanalysis and Political Engagement
18. Trump as Symptom
19. Against the Separation of Children from Parents at the U.S. Border (with Van DeGolia)
20. A Manifesto for Psychoanalytic Education with Sixteen Suggestions
21. A Psychoanalyst Serves On a Jury

Part VI - Epilogue
22. The Intellectual Itinerary of a Psychoanalyst: David James Fisher interviewed by Paul Elovitz

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