A Transactional Analysis of Motherhood and Disturbances in the Maternal: From Pre-conception to Human Being

Author(s) : Emma Hayes

A Transactional Analysis of Motherhood and Disturbances in the Maternal: From Pre-conception to Human Being

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 292
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97814
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032431345
  • ISBN 10 : 1032431342

Table of Contents

1. Something is Amiss with Motherhood - Disturbance
2. A Silent Problem - Understanding Maternal Mental Illness
3. What Are We Treating - Assessment and Diagnosis
4. Healing Through Relationship - Relational TA
5. Exploring the Dialectics of Survival and Potential Protocol (written in collaboration with Ronen Stillman)
6. The Fundamental Role of ‘Mother’ in an Infant’s Life - Attachment and Affect-Regulation
7. 1001 Ways to Devise a Treatment - Treatment Planning (with dialogue from members of Our Evolution)
8. Speaking Beyond Words - Using Creative Methods to Unlock Silence
9. A Joint Endeavour - Working with Couples (with contributions from Valeria Villa)
10. Freedom from Isolation - Working with Groups (with contributions from Valeria Villa and Sarah Crowley)
11. Losing a Sense of Self - Fathers and Partners (written in collaboration with Oliver Hunt)
12. Complex Presentations, Disturbance and Self-Care
13. Interconnectivity that is Human Being – The Inter-Relational
14. A Lifetime’s Reduction in Mental Illness?

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