Psychosocial Group Work with Vulnerable Children: Eclectic Group Conductors and Creative Play

Author(s) : M. Leticia Franieck, Author(s) : Niko Bittner

Psychosocial Group Work with Vulnerable Children: Eclectic Group Conductors and Creative Play

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 208
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
    Child and Adolescent Studies
  • Catalogue No : 97817
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032739458
  • ISBN 10 : 1032739452

Table of Contents

Series Editor’s Foreword
Foreword "Together We Are Strong!" T-WAS
Appendix to the introduction

Part I - Conceptual Source of Inspiration
1. The Interplay Between Antisocial Tendencies and Aggression
2. The Intersection of Gestalt Therapy and Ontological Psychoanalysis
3. Running Children’s Groups in Partnership: What Does This Mean?

Part II - Together We Are Strong (T-WAS)
4. The Challenges Behind the Scenes
5. Eclectic Group Conductors
6. Setting
7. Creative Play
8. Three Different Children’s Groups
9. Direct Challenges to the Eclectic Group Conductors Posed by the Children
10. Reflections on T-WAS (Together We Are Strong)

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