Understanding and Managing Emotional Eating: A Psychological Skills Workbook

Author(s) : Denise Ratcliffe

Understanding and Managing Emotional Eating: A Psychological Skills Workbook

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 104
  • Category :
    Eating Disorders
  • Catalogue No : 97827
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032664347
  • ISBN 10 : 1032664347

Table of Contents


Section 1 - Understand

Section 1A - Introducing the Emotional Eating Map
2. Constructing a Map of Your Emotional Eating – How and Why Did the Automatic Emotional Eating Route Develop?
3. Constructing a Map of Your Emotional Eating: Recognising Your Automatic and Familiar Emotional Eating Route
3A. Constructing Your Emotional Eating Map

Section 2 - Learning the Skills to Recognise, Re-Route and Navigate Emotional Eating: Starting to Build Alternative Routes and Find New Destinations
4. Exit 1: Responding to Triggers by Building in a Pause and Managing Your Reactions
5. Exit 2: Understanding and Managing Emotions
6. Exit 3: Managing and Updating the Emotional Eating Thought Ladder
7. Exit 4: Developing Alternative Behaviours – Short-Term and Longer-Term Options to Look after Your Mind and Body

Section 3 - Template
8. Developing Your Emotional Eating Template

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