Assessing and Treating Emotionally Inexpressive Men

Editor : Ronald F. Levant, Editor : Shana Pryor

Assessing and Treating Emotionally Inexpressive Men

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 212
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97830
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032444697
  • ISBN 10 : 103244469X

Table of Contents

Part 1 - Theory and Research
1. The Normative Male Alexithymia Hypothesis
2. Research on Normative Male Alexithymia and Related Phenomena
3. Research on the Severity of Normative Male Alexithymia

Part 2 - Assessment
4. Variance Composition, Reliability, Validity, and Measurement Invariance of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 in Non-clinical Samples
5. The Normative Male Alexithymia Scale: Measurement of a Gender-Linked Syndrome
6. The Development and Evaluation of a Brief Form of the Normative Male Alexithymia Scale (NMAS-BF) Part 2 Conclusion

Part 3 - Treatment
7. Alexithymia Reduction Treatment (ART): A Manual for a Brief Psycho-educational Intervention for Treating Normative Male Alexithymia. Individual Therapy Format
8. Alexithymia Reduction Treatment (ART): A Manual for a Brief Psycho-educational Intervention for Treating Normative Male Alexithymia. Group Therapy Format.
9. The Efficiacy of Alexithymia Reduction Treatment: A Pilot Study Part 4: Case Studies
10. The Man Who Felt Nothing About His Impending Fatherhood
11. The 'Both/And' Approach to Treating a Postmodern Couple

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