The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies

Editor : Stephen Frosh, Editor : Marita Vyrgioti, Editor : Julie Walsh

The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies

Book Details

  • Publisher : Palgrave
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Hardback
  • Pages : 1036
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97832
  • ISBN 13 : 9783031303654
  • ISBN 10 : 3031303652

Table of Contents

Stephen Frosh, Marita Vyrgioti, Julie Walsh

Formations of the Field
1. Freud’s “Mourning and Melancholia”
Ranjana Khanna

2. Re-reading Riviere’s “Womanliness as a Masquerade”: Putting Sex and the (trans) Body Back into Question
Claudia Lapping

3. “Black Skin, White Masks” by Frantz Fanon
Colin Wright

4. D.W. Winnicott: “Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena”
Vicky Lebeau

5. Derrida’s “Specters of Marx”
Peter Salmon

6. Pierre Bourdieu’s “Distinction and Beyond”
Elizabeth B. Silva

7. Slavoj Žižek’s “The Sublime Object of Ideology”
Calum Neill

8. Rosi Braidotti’s “Nomadic Subjects”
Ana Carolina Minozzo

9. Graham Dawson’s “Soldier Heroes”: An Overlooked Classic of Psychosocial Studies
Peter Redman

Sites of Theory
10. The Purpose of Psychosocial Studies
Michael Rustin

11. Psychoanalysis as a Psycho-social Hyphen in History: Approaching Freud and Walter Benjamin
Belinda Mandelbaum

12. Freedom, Resonance, Interaction
Helene Aarseth, Steffen Krüger, Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen

13. What Is Called “Process Thought”: A Transdisciplinary Process Ontology for Psychosocial Studies
Paul Stenner

14. Psychosocial Studies and Psychiatry
David W. Jones

15. Social Unconscious Theory: Contributions of Group Analysis to Psychosocial Studies
Carla Penna

16. Colonialism and Postcolonial Theory
Omnia El Shakry

17. The Psychosocial and Racialized Hauntings
Ann Phoenix

18. Fleeing the Scene of Sex and Race
Annette-Carina van der Zaag

19. The Scene of Love
Margarita Palacios

20. Social Class
Valerie Walkerdine

21. Ethical Relationality, Precarity, and Vulnerability: “a way of facing things without fear”
Simone Drichel

22. Revising Trauma
Amal Ziv, Shaul Bar-Haim

Sites of Practice
23. Affects and Politics
Vladimir Safatle

24. Populism
Yannis Stavrakakis, Antonis Galanopoulos

25. Freedom Versus Belonging: A Core Ambivalence in Contemporary Political Dynamics
Barry Richards

26. Social Psychoanalysis: From Theory to Practice
Lynne Layton

27. Carcerality and Carceral Spaces
Andrew Shepherd

28. Violence and Young Masculinities
Malose Langa, Bandile Bertrand Leopeng

29. “He’s Shown Me the Road”? Youth Work and Young Masculinities
Pete Harris

30. Psychoanalysis and Trans
Jordan Osserman

31. Homophobia and the Psychic Life of LGBTQ People
Poul Rohleder

32. The Politics of Reproduction
Joanna Kellond

33. Living Prior Being
Magda Schmukalla

34. Towards an Eco-Psycho-Social Analysis of Climate Change
Wendy Hollway

35. Sensing the Urban Scene
Andrés Di Masso

36. The Multiple Lives of Diversity in Post-dictatorship Chile
Tomás Ojeda

37. Media Studies and the Psychosocial Subject
Steffen Krüger

38. Digital Lives
Jacob Johanssen

39. Psychosocial Theory for Social Work: The Example of Shame
Liz Frost

40. Psychosocial Reflexivity in Counseling Education
Nini Fang

Questions of Method
41. Jouissance as Tool of Psychosocial Analysis
Derek Hook

42. Narrative and Discursive Research
Lisa Saville Young

43. Emotional Investments in Narrative Interviews
Helene Aarseth

44. Psychosocial Aesthetics and Sensory Research Methods
Lynn Froggett

45. Deleuzian Approaches to Social Dreaming and Related Psychosocial Methods
Julian Manley

46. A New Case Study Pedagogy for Teaching Psychoanalytic Theory
Noreen Giffney

47. Psychosocial Studies and Literature
Marilyn Charles

48. Ethnographies of the Psychosocial
Erol Saglam

49. Death, Priests, Pollution, and Me
Khyati Tripathi

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