Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.18 No.1: Special issue – Siblings

Editor : Aysha Begum

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis - Vol.18 No.1: Special issue – Siblings

Book Details

Table of Contents

Note from Dr Aysha Begum, Editor-in-chief

In search of more: Siblings and their discontents by Alexander Kriss

– The hidden nature of sibling sexual Abuse: when sexually harmful behaviour masquerades as consensual sexual experimentation by Christiane Sanderson

– The Tale of Two Sisters by Prophecy Coles

– The Parental Relationship and its Transmission on Sibling Dynamics by Aysha Begum

– The dynamics of sibling relationships and their impact on parenting styles by Wayne Davis

– Why we need to talk about Bruno…. Attachment perspectives on Encanto and the problem with burying grief by Kate Brown

– Siblings and boarding school syndrome by Joy Schaverien

– From Cradle to Grave: Exploring siblings in psychoanalytic and attachment theories and practice by Sophia Tickle

– The Burden of Heritage: Hauntings of Generational Trauma on Black Lives by Aileen Alleyne
Reviewed by Mohini Gulati-Olapoju

– The Psychology of Attachment by Robbie Duschinsky, Tommie Forslund and Pehr Granqvist
Reviewed by Ruan Spies

– What is Normal? Psychotherapists explore the question edited by Jane Ryan and Roz Caroll
Reviewed by Alexandra Peet

– Hidden Histories of British Psychoanalysis: From Freud’s Death Bed to Laing’s Missing Tooth by Brett Kahr
Reviewed by Ana Minozzi

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