Expanding Psychoanalysis: The Contributions of Susie Orbach

Editor : Brett Kahr

Expanding Psychoanalysis: The Contributions of Susie Orbach

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97842
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032861951
  • ISBN 10 : 1032861959

Table of Contents

Contributor Biographies
A Note on Confidentiality

Susie Orbach and the Modernization of Mental Health
Brett Kahr

Part I - Orbach in Context
1. A Tribute to Susie Orbach
Luise Eichenbaum

2. Radio Karnac: An Unpublished Broadcast with Dr. Susie Orbach.
Brett Kahr

Part II - Orbach in the Consulting Room
3. Shame and Shamelessness
Jane Haberlin

4. Embodied Intimacies
Sarah Benamer

Part III - Orbach in Politics and Society
5. Therapists as Consultants: Experts, Relationals, Visionaries, Antidotes, Fools... and Leaders
Andrew Samuels

6. Bodies as Profit Centres: Orbach’s Work in the Context of Performance
Roanna Mitchell

Part IV - Orbach in the Media
7. “Psychotherapy is not a spectator sport”: The Dissemination of Psychoanalysis from Freud to Orbach
Brett Kahr

Part V - Orbach From a Personal Perspective
8. A Reflection on Susie Orbach’s Work: Risking the Radical Edge of Relationship-Seeking in Theory and Practice
Kate White

9. A Celebration of Susie Orbach
Valerie Sinason

In Dialogue with ...
Susie Orbach

Susie Orbach’s Professional Biography
Brett Kahr


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