Essentials of Compassion Focused Therapy: A Practice Manual for Clinicians

Author(s) : Nicola Petrocchi, Author(s) : James Kirby, Author(s) : Beatrice Baldi

Essentials of Compassion Focused Therapy: A Practice Manual for Clinicians

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 520
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 97848
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032565545
  • ISBN 10 : 1032565543

Table of Contents

Foreword by Prof. Paul Gilbert
A. Introduction
B. CFT formulations

1. Introduction to Compassion and Tricky Brain
2. Three Types of Emotion
3. Mindfulness
4. Safety and Safeness & Receiving Compassion from Others
5. The Compassionate Self
6. The Multiple Selves
7. Self-Criticism
8. Shame and Guilt
9. Deepening Compassion for the self
10. Compassionate Assertiveness
11. Forgiveness
12. Envisioning a Compassionate Future Appendix (Client handout A and Client handout B)

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