Intercultural Music Therapy Consultation Research: Shared Humanity in Collaborative Theory and Practice

Author(s) : Lisa Margetts

Intercultural Music Therapy Consultation Research: Shared Humanity in Collaborative Theory and Practice

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 194
  • Category :
    Expressive Arts Therapies
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97850
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032104591
  • ISBN 10 : 1032104597

Table of Contents


Part I - Approaching intercultural music therapy consultation research: Outside to alongside
1. The impact of sociocultural context on the classroom practitioner-pupil relationship: A thread of curiosity
2. Reflexivity in intercultural music therapy consultation research: The warp and the weft
3. A new staff development programme for international settings: Harnessing creativity

Part II - The lived experience of learning and change in intercultural music therapy consultation research: Perezhivanie
4. Transformative processes in the evolution of the intercultural music therapy consultation group: Patterns and textures
5. Potential spaces for relationship between classroom practitioners and children with complex needs: The fabric of change
6. An evolving tapestry: The story of Eva and Milana

Part III - Sustainability and development of intercultural music therapy consultation research: Potential Spaces
7. Longitudinal outcomes of intercultural music therapy consultation research: Sustainable design
8. Identity in intercultural music therapy research: Interwoven strands

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