An Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Editor : Jill Savege Scharff

An Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Book Details

  • Publisher : Karnac Books
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 410
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
    Child and Adolescent Studies
  • Catalogue No : 97852
  • ISBN 13 : 9781800132818
  • ISBN 10 : 1800132816

Table of Contents

List of figures and tables
Preface and acknowledgements
About the editor and contributors

Part 1: Introduction: context and stance for the child psychotherapist?
Orientation to play and psychoanalytic child and family assessment and therapy
- Carl Bagnini, Anabella Brostella, David Scharff, and Jill Savege Scharff

The ethical stance in child psychotherapy
- Caroline Sehon

Finding cultural humility
- Janine Wanlass

The research basis for psychoanalytic child therapy
- Janine Wanlass

Learning from process notes
- Janine Wanlass

Part 2: Child and adolescent development
The beginning of life
- Jill Savege Scharff

Classical psychosexual and psychosocial theories of child development
- Jill Savege Scharff

Infancy: The oral phase
- Anabella Brostella

Toddlerhood: The anal stage
- Anabella Brostella

Preschool age: The phallic–narcissistic stage
- Jill Savege Scharff

Kindergarten age: The oedipal stage
- Caroline Sehon

Elementary school age: latency
- Ana Maria Barroso and Janine Wanlass

Middle school age: puberty and preteen
- Lea Setton

High school age: adolescence
- Ana Maria Barroso

Part 3: Psychoanalytic theory of childhood
Infancy: the mother–infant relationship
- Anabella Brostella

- Janine Wanlass

Containment: Bion
- David Scharff

Holding, handling, and the psychosomatic partnership: Winnicott
- Yolanda Varela

Transitional space, transitional objects: Winnicott
- Anabella Brostella

The role of relationships in endopsychic structure formation:Fairbairn
- David Scharff

Early anxieties and projective identification: Klein
- Ana Maria Barroso

The child in the family group: transgenerational inheritance and Bion’s three basic assumptions
- Carl Bagnini

Unconscious communication: dreams and play
- Caroline Sehon

The interpersonal unconscious and the transgenerational transmission of psychic trauma
- Caroline Sehon

Sibling relationships and identity formation
- Anabella Brostella

The impact of divorce on children and families
- Kate Scharff

- Vali Maduro

Neuroscience and psychoanalysis
- Caroline Sehon

Part 4: Clinical examples of wellness and symptom presentations of childhood
Symptom presentations of childhood
- Jill Savege Scharff

Situational and developmental crises: a healthy response
- Yolanda Varela

Somatoform disorder: a disorder of anxiety
- Aidalida Altamirano and Jill Savege Scharff

Obsessive–compulsive disorder: a disorder of anxiety
- Ana Maria Barroso

Suicidality: a disorder of mood
- Jill Savege Scharff

Addiction: a disorder of behavior
- Elizabeth Palacios

Psychic trauma: a disorder of reaction
- Caroline Sehon

Tic disorder: a disorder of mental functioning
- Jill Savege Scharff

Attention deficit/hyperactivity: a neuropsychological disorder of mental functioning
- Jill Savege Scharff

Learning disorders: disorders of written expression and reading
- Ana Maria Barroso

Anorexia and bulimia: disorders of psychophysiology
- Janine Wanlass

Encopresis and enuresis: a disorder of development
- Jill Savege Scharff

Autism: a disorder of development
- David Scharff and Jill Savege Scharff

Gender fluidity: a disorder of gender
- David Scharff

Part 5: The child psychotherapist at work in the treatment room
Working with parents
- Jill Savege Scharff

Assessing family dynamics
- Carl Bagnini

Child assessment for beginning therapy
- David Scharff

Transference and countertransference (focused and contextual)
- David Scharff

- Ana Maria Barroso

Psychotherapy with toddlers
- Janine Wanlass

Psychotherapy with latency age children
- Janine Wanlass

Psychotherapy with a teenager
- Ana Maria Barroso

Psychotherapy with adolescents and their families
- Anabella Brostella

Child psychotherapy using technology after COVID
- Elizabeth Palacios

Psychometric testing and psychodynamic formulation in child/adolescent assessment
- Janine Wanlass

Part 6: The child psychotherapist at work in the community
Consulting with schools
- Carl Bagnini

Working with family service agencies and child protective services
- Lea Setton

Child abuse and alternate care
- Janine Wanlass

Adoption and left-behind children
- Janine Wanlass


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