Psychoanalytical Notebooks No. 41: a-Normality

Author(s) : Colin Wright

Psychoanalytical Notebooks No. 41: a-Normality

Book Details

  • Publisher : London Society of the New Lacanian School (NLS)
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 194
  • Category :
    Lacanian Psychoanalysis
  • Catalogue No : 97853
  • ISBN 13 : 9781916157682
  • ISBN 10 : 1916157688

Table of Contents

Editorial - Colin Wright

- Aurélie Pfauwadel & Colin Wright – Interview: Breathing Life into the New Normal
- Aurélie Pfauwadel – Psychoanalysis on the Other Side of Norms

- Éric Laurent – Laughing at Norms
- Véronique Voruz – Normal Civilisational Psychosis
- Anne Béraud Bogino – Ruptures in Self-Evidence
- Ligia Gorini – Depathologisation: Some Remarks
- Vincent Dachy – The Future is Normal …
- Alasdair Duncan – In the Era of a-Normality

- Jérôme Lecaux – Trans: The Children of Psychoanalysis
- François Ansermet –Disruptions in Gender: Clinical Practice and Contemporary Changes
- Alexandre Stevens – A Politics of the Singular
- Peggy Papada – LGBQT+: From Community to the Singular

- Dalila Arpin – The Lacanian Session: An Endless Session
- Sophia Berouka – Why Now?
- Colin Wright – How Can We Say a Cartel Has Begun?
- Renata Teixeira – Five Minus One
- Sioned Huws – Flash ~ The Instant of Seeing
- Virginia Carvalho – Myriad Ways to End, Multiple Ways to Enter
- Frank Rollier – Concluding Reflections

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