Brief Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy: A Clinician's Guide: Second Edition

Author(s) : Alessandra Lemma, Author(s) : Mary Hepworth, Author(s) : Peter Fonagy, Author(s) : Patrick Luyten, Author(s) : Deborah Abrahams

Brief Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy: A Clinician's Guide: Second Edition

Book Details

  • Publisher : Oxford University Press
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 424
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 97865
  • ISBN 13 : 9780198867470
  • ISBN 10 : 0198867476

Table of Contents

1. Why Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy for Mood Disorders?
2. Key Analytic Models and Psychoanalytic Concepts Informing DIT
3. Core Features and Strategies
4. The Initial Phase
5. The Interpersonal-Affective Focus
6. The Middle Phase
7. Techniques
8. Working in the Transference
9. The Ending Phase
10. When Things Go Wrong
11. Frequently Asked Questions
12. Research on psychotherapy outcomes, fidelity and mechanisms of change in DIT
13. DIT for Complex Care (DITCC)
14. DIT for Patients with Functional Somatic Disorders
15. Internet-Delivered Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (i-DIT) for Depression and Anxiety
16. Future Directions for DIT

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