Artists, Writers and Philosophers on Psychoanalysis: From the Couch

Author(s) : Mariano Horenstein

Artists, Writers and Philosophers on Psychoanalysis: From the Couch

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 323
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97874
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032708355
  • ISBN 10 : 1032708352

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: From up close, nobody is normal
2. Paul Auster & Siri Hustvedt, the flip side of a monster
3. Alain Badiou, the power of thought
4. Sophie Calle, a character from a novel
5. Javier Cercas, without roots
6. David Cronenberg, an affable outsider
7. Arnaud Desplechin, failure and its beauty
8. Georges Didi-Huberman, thought worker
9. Peter Eisenman, for whom one analyst is not enough
10. Andrea Fraser, the artist who commits the body
11. Luis González Palma, deliciously anachronistic
12. Eric Kandel, the neuroscientist who loved psychoanalysis
13. Sudhir Kakar, a guru between two worlds
14. Anish Kapoor, the amateur foreigner
15. Julia Kristeva, the foreigner
16. Hanif Kureishi, the indigenous Londoner
17. Daniel Libeskind, nomadic architect
18. Caetano Veloso, the man who dreamed psychoanalysis
19. Slavoj Žižek, the tender agitator
20. In few words (a shared epilogue with J. M. Coetzee and Joseph Kosuth)

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