Forensic Psychoanalysis: From Sub-Clinical Psychopaths to Serial Killers

Author(s) : Brett Kahr

Forensic Psychoanalysis: From Sub-Clinical Psychopaths to Serial Killers

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2024
  • Pages : 258
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97878
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032901176
  • ISBN 10 : 1032901179

Table of Contents

Series Editor’s Foreword
Special Foreword by Dr. Carine Minne

Preamble - Confessions of a Private Forensic Practitioner

Introduction - The Ugly World of Forensic Mental Health

Section One - Forensic Psychotherapy as a Profession
1. “let the great Axe fall”: From Ancient Babylonian Torture to Modern Forensic Psychotherapy
2. Explosive Patients: Surviving Petrifying Psychotherapeutic Experiences

Section Two - Sexual Forensics: Genital Exhibitionism and Paedophilia
3. Why Do Men Expose Their Genitals?: The Unconscious Origins of Exhibitionism
4. From Penile Trauma to Flashing: A Case of Forensic Disability Psychotherapy
5. Fragile Monster: How to Make a Paedophile Talk

Section Three - The Psychodynamics of Murder: From Infanticide to Serial Killing
6. When Daddy Kills the Dog: Pet Murder and the Infanticidal Attachment.
7. Castration Anxiety in Men Who Murder

Section Four - Forensic Patients in the Community: Sub-Clinical Psychopathy
8. The Sub-Clinical Psychopath: Committing Crimes Without Breaking the Law
9. Criminality in the Bedroom: Unconscious Sadism in Non-Forensic Couples

Conclusion - The Future of Forensic Psychoanalysis

Original Sources of Chapters
Professor Brett Kahr’s Selected Forensic Publications: 1985-2025.

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