In this highly personal yet empirically informed work, psychiatrist and psychotherapist Jeremy Holmes examines the parallels, contrasts, and overlaps between the secular world of psychotherapy and... (more)
Ruthie Smith introduces us to the world of working with energy and vibrations, and includes a few personal experiences as a musician, psychotherapist, and meditator. In the synthesis between... (more)
An overview of what happens in the brain during the development of romantic and sexual relationships, from the intense emotions at the start on to kissing, touch, arousal, orgasm, commitment,... (more)
This book was written to meet the need of therapists: a succinct, thorough, practical, clear, down-to-earth handbook to which a therapist can refer as needed. Many, if not most, therapists have... (more)
Michael Jacobs is the author of key texts, such as Psychodynamic Counselling in Action and The Presenting Past. Looking back over fifty years’ experience as a therapist and reflecting on some forty... (more)
Andrew Feldmár trained under R. D. Laing and worked with Stanislav Grof and Paul Watzlawick. A pioneer of psychedelic psychotherapy, he presents its history, his personal experiences, and his wishes... (more)
‘Speak the truth here’ is a therapist’s invitation to their client – but is the same true for the therapist? Can and should psychotherapists speak honestly with clients and share the difficult truths... (more)
Judith Edwards takes us on a journey through ‘Grandmotherland’. A land full of myth, where stereotypes and memes jostle with reality. She questions what we think of when we speak of grandmothers: an... (more)
LGBTIQ+ people are more likely than cisgender and heterosexual individuals to suffer with mental health issues, yet often have poorer therapeutic outcomes. Mainstream Eurocentric psychotherapeutic... (more)
An up-to-date, practice-oriented handbook for psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
In the newly revised third edition of Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, distinguished... (more)
Many psychotherapy clients have (undiagnosed) traits within the ADHD and autistic spectrums – two constellations of the “mistuned brain” that often overlap. The essence of ADHD is emotional... (more)
Nina Coltart’s classic work, How to Survive as a Psychotherapist, was written over a quarter of a century ago and yet still resonates today with sage advice for the aspiring and established... (more)
A new and updated exploration of large-group psychology from world-renowned psychoanalyst Dr Vamik D. Volkan. This timely book investigates the underlying psychology of the societal divisions... (more)
A Guilty Victim tells the true story of one man’s recovery from childhood trauma, grooming, and sexual abuse at a Catholic boarding school. This contemporary account of psychotherapy with an adult... (more)
As a clear and user-friendly guide for clinicians who work with patients affected by psychosis, this book challenges the false notion that psychosis is untreatable through talk therapy.
The... (more)
The patient’s word was once easily dismissed against the word of the psychiatrist, doctor or therapist, leaving the patient vulnerable. Recognising this inherent risk in the relationship between... (more)
Blue Diamond healing, a development from energy psychotherapy, is the result of Phil Mollon’s many years spent exploring the deeper patterns in the human subtle energy system, working beyond the more... (more)
How do you develop a truly rich and rewarding career in psychotherapy? How can you find joy in such painful work? How do you develop your skills and capacities in the field? How can you conquer your... (more)
A leading psychoanalytic clinician and theoretician presents his thoughts on the latest psychodynamic developments and insights related to treatment of severe personality disorders. Dividing his... (more)
Resilience and Survival: Understanding and Healing Intergenerational Trauma presents a unique combination of resilience theory with attachment, psychoanalysis, and developmental neuroscience, with a... (more)
This second edition gives mental health professionals the tools they need to treat patients who suffer from infertility or pregnancy loss, as well as new guidance for processing their own... (more)
Filling a crucial gap in the clinical literature, this book provides a contemporary view of pathological narcissism and presents an innovative treatment approach. The preeminent authors explore the... (more)
In the spirit of Mikhail Bulgakov’s A Young Doctor’s Notebook and Sandeep Jauhar’s Intern, this is a deeply honest, searching examination of psychotherapy based on the experiences of a young... (more)
From an internationally acclaimed group of analysts, a selection of papers on the concept of change.
Since 1994, the Boston Change Process Study Group (BCPSG) has published articles on the most... (more)
Stories about siblings abound in literature, drama, comedy, biography, and history. We rarely talk about our own siblings without emotion, whether with love and gratitude, or exasperation,... (more)
A complete and practical guide offering a concise overview of mentalization-based treatment (MBT) and its application in different situations and with different groups of patients to help improve the... (more)
With contributions from Silvia Allari, Leigh Bettles, Dan Eastop, Richard G. Erskine, Amaia Mauriz Etxabe, Linda Finlay, Ray Little, Lynn Martin, Marye O'Reilly-Knapp, Eugenio Peiro... (more)
Ecotherapy: A Field Guide presents an extensive review of the field of ecotherapy which unearths a number of ambiguities in the way this therapy is understood and described. The review explores six... (more)
This is an easy-to-read explication of relationally focused integrative psychotherapy/counselling that will be enjoyed by novice and experienced mental health professionals worldwide. Richard Erskine... (more)
Life After a Partner's Suicide Attempt is the first publication to document in depth the lived experiences of the partners of individuals who have attempted to take their own lives. Although no one... (more)