A powerful, multifaceted collection of accounts of what it means to be Jewish; to live under the shadow of anti-Semitism and unspoken threat of emigration. This diverse, minority community is marked... (more)
A fascinating narrative of a psychoanalyst’s experience of working with a patient with dementia. It is interspersed with current theory from the literature on attachment, object relations, and... (more)
An easily accessible and invaluable resource for parents of teenagers who want to improve the parent–teen relationship, and for professionals working with young people and their families. Packed with... (more)
A Guilty Victim tells the true story of one man’s recovery from childhood trauma, grooming, and sexual abuse at a Catholic boarding school. This contemporary account of psychotherapy with an adult... (more)
What is the place of truth and lies in psychoanalytic discourse? What are the consequences in terms of collusion and communication? How can a ‘lie’ carry a meaning? These questions, and many more,... (more)
With contributions from Sara Boffito, Lesley Caldwell, Roosevelt Cassorla, Giuseppe Civitarese, Maria Teresa Flores, Beatrice Ithier, Howard B. Levine, Ruggero Levy, Mauro Manica, Maria Grazia... (more)
Julia Kristeva refracts the impulse to hate (and our attempts to subvert, sublimate, and otherwise process it) through psychoanalysis and text, exploring worlds, women, religion, portraits, and the... (more)
Influenced by the groundbreaking work of Wilfred Bion, The Somato-Psychic Realm: Analytic Receptivity and Resonance sees 10 internationally acclaimed psychoanalysts explore the complex... (more)
This book examines the learning process of becoming a psychoanalytic practitioner and presents training experiences at the Tavistock Clinic through the lens of both teachers and trainees.
The... (more)
The Dread of Falling: Reflections on Primitive Mental States offers a comprehensive and original view of primitive mental states from a psychoanalytic perspective, allowing the reader to understand... (more)
The Mind Movement consists of two main areas of social change: 1) a social movement for individuals to talk about and learn to take accountability for their mental health, and 2) motivating people to... (more)
The Loss of Self considers distinctions and connections between the writing of survival and survival as a mode of being and thinking encountered in analytic work with borderline... (more)
This work introduces Fairbairn’s original object relations theory (his psychology of dynamic structure) and applies it to a number of cultural objects. Namely, a perplexing mannerist painting by... (more)
Much has been written about migration from a historic, economic and social perspective, but little has been written about it from a psychiatric or psychoanalytic point of view. Through the work of... (more)
Informed by a provocative exhibition at the Louvre curated by the author, The Severed Head unpacks artistic representations of severed heads from the Paleolithic period to the present. Surveying... (more)
"Unlike Freud, I do not claim that religion is just an illusion and a source of neurosis. The time has come to recognize, without being afraid of 'frightening' either the faithful or the agnostics,... (more)
Part detective story, part fable, this novel, narrated by a French journalist, takes the reader to a mythical postindustrial city where the boundaries between East and West, civilization and... (more)
This sequel to Julia Kristeva’s celebrated allegory The Old Man and the Wolves returns to the corrupt seaside resort of a mythical town, where the boundaries between East and West, civilization and... (more)
Julia Kristeva pursues her exploration of the core emotions of the human psyche through a series of philosophical and literary texts. She focuses on the role of narcissism and idealization in the... (more)
The first comprehensive study of Wilfred Bion’s autobiographical and literary writings: an in-depth analysis of how, throughout his life, Bion sought a narrative form for his traumatic experiences as... (more)
Getting Lost is focused not on physical distancing and literal sequestration but on psychosocial isolation and withdrawal following a crisis such as the global Covid-19 pandemic. It draws on... (more)
In The Psychoanalysis of Aesthetic Experience: Self, Relationship and Culture, George Hagman eloquently provides an overview of ideas regarding the aesthetic foundation of human experience and the... (more)
Psychoanalytic Work with Migrants and Refugees presents a rich panorama of the clinical issues facing those who experience migration.
Thorough and empathetic in its approach, this book... (more)
A big problem of psychology in the tradition of C.G. Jung is that many concepts and orientations are being used by its adherents that are not really compatible with a true psychology because they... (more)
In this landmark collaboration, Osamu Kitayama and Jhuma Basak chronical their long-standing collaboration and cultural exchange to survey the importance of familial relationships in Japan and India,... (more)
We think of babyhood and old age as polar opposites on the spectrum of life. Yet they are profoundly linked. Our early experiences set us up for a lifetime of good mental and physical health, or for... (more)
Why do some people become radicalized? Who is most susceptible to ideological thinking? Can we unchain our minds from toxic dogmas?
Drawing on her groundbreaking research, Dr Leor Zmigrod... (more)
Finding happiness and contentment: What makes us truly content and what lures us down the wrong path.
How to live more authentically: Draw courage from the experiences of a psychoanalyst to fight... (more)
Julia Kristeva’s dazzling fictional debut is an intellectual adventure, full of vitality, sensuousness, and sustained lyricism. Reminiscent of The Mandarins, Simone de Beauvoir’s 1954 masterpiece,... (more)
Julia Kristeva presents a thoroughly original and compelling reading of Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past, first delivered at the 1992 T.S. Eliot Memorial Lectures at Canterbury. Kristeva's first... (more)