The idea of 'insanity' pervades every aspect of our daily lives. Here, Szasz contends that the term actually functions as a euphemism for problems in living, as an excuse for crime and misbehaviour,... (more)
This classic describes the cognitive approach to psychopatholgy and psychotherapy and how to apply it. (more)
This book integrates psychiatry and psychoanalysis to present deeper and sounder clinical profiles of the personality disorders than have been hitherto available. (more)
190 pages.
Taking a psychological and medical approach to the process of healing, this book displays the fundamental differences between Eastern and Western philosophies, and thus their approaches to health... (more)
This volume deals with care of the mentally ill patient (psychiatric and geriatric) in community settings, and the implications for hospitals, community services and staff, and the patients. It... (more)
A comprehensive theoretical and practical presentation on the assessment and treatment of adult children of alcoholics. In Treating Adult Children of Alcoholics, renowned psychologist, researcher,... (more)
This book is the second edition of the well-known Psychological Assessment of Adult Posttraumatic States, published in 1997. A major update from the first edition, it presents a detailed, yet... (more)
An up-to-date summary of current knowledge on phobias. The text includes descriptions of the nature of prevalent phobias, treatment of phobias, and a number of theoretical and aetiological factors... (more)
Borderline personality disorder patients are impulsive, unstable and destructive, hurting themselves and those around them. This book aims to present the therapeutic approach of cognitive analytic... (more)
The integration of self psychological approaches with strategies and techniques from cognitive-behavioural therapy to provide a patient-centred approach that both nourishes patients' self-esteem and... (more)
The application of cognitive therapy is the subject of this casebook. The practice of cognitive therapy has been extended beyond the treatment of depression. This volume is aimed at clinicians... (more)
Drawing on his experience, the author presents an account of the practical application of cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders. Each disorder is covered in detail, with accounts of the use of... (more)
Focusing on clinical applications of chaos theory this book translates theoretical aspects into guidelines that can be used in assessing and treating clients in psychotherapy. 160 pages.
Written for sufferers, and the families and professionals who work with them, this text focuses upon the sort of problems that commonly arise when families and friends try to get help for an... (more)
The use of cognitive behaviour interventions for brief therapy in primary care is accepted by most to be both useful and cost effective. This book contains a number of concise suggestions for... (more)
An accessible, broad-based, authoritative exploration of theories and research relating to the self for students of personality and social psychology. It engages with contemporary debates about the... (more)
Summarizes various approaches to schizophrenia and points to their weaknesses and strengths. To gain a better understanding of the condition, the text considers factors including deprivation,... (more)
Examining what can be done to help those who have manic depressive disorders, this study explores the subject from a wide range of viewpoints. Contributors include psychiatrists, psychologists,... (more)
This text argues that the divide between psychiatry and religion is artificial, and that there is much room for understanding the same phenomena from different perspectives. It also examines what the... (more)
Mental health promotion is an emerging field of interest to many health professionals. This book traces its history, defines it and distinguishes it from mental illness prevention. Mental health is... (more)