Couples on the Couch provides a clear guide to applying the Tavistock model of couple psychotherapy in clinical psychoanalytic practice, offering a compelling sampling of ideas about couple... (more)
Relationships are a resource for healing a range of psychological difficulties. This is the fundamental principle of family therapy, an increasingly influential form of psychotherapy that is building... (more)
Focused Genograms introduces and provides a guide to constructing focused genograms through the lens of attachment theory. A genogram is a graphic representation of an intergenerational family tree... (more)
Drawing on the evidence-based Internal Family System (IFS) therapy model, An Internal Family Systems Guide to Recovery from Eating Disorders addresses the necessity of healing the eating disorder... (more)
In this text, Butler takes an in-depth look at the development of family systems theory and how the work of Bowen, Gelso, and Meissner has shaped family psychotherapy. Family systems theory considers... (more)
Everyone engages in self-protecting behaviours to some extent, but when these begin to take on the form of bad habits, they can be damaging. People often use self-protection strategies in love and... (more)
This book presents the application of key psychoanalytic concepts in thinking about the dynamics in the couple relationship. The contributions to the first part, mainly theory, discuss how different... (more)
This Fourth Edition of Intimate Violence and Abuse in Families updates a best-selling core text in the field of intimate violence and child maltreatment. New features include: a Global Perspectives... (more)
In recent years there has been heightened interest in the clinical and legal management of families in which children resist contact with one parent and become aligned with the other following... (more)
Now thoroughly revised, this practical, user-friendly guide has helped thousands of novice couple therapists and students to navigate the challenges of clinical work with couples in conflict. Robert... (more)
In this widely used course text and practitioner resource, Froma Walsh provides a state-of-the-art framework for understanding resilience in families and how to foster it. Illuminating the complex... (more)
Contemporary Families at the Nexus of Research and Practice integrates current research with clinical theory to establish the most up-to-date, evidence-supported treatment options for unique... (more)
There are tremendous benefits to discussing the subject of sexual and emotional pleasure with clients, and this book addresses the challenges and misconceptions of doing just that. Laura Rademacher... (more)
Internal Family Systems Therapy with Children details the application of IFS in child psychotherapy. The weaving together of theory, step-by-step instruction, and case material gives child therapists... (more)
The development of how twins relate to each other and their single partners is explored through life stories and clinical examples in this telling study of twin interconnections. While the quality of... (more)
Based on a sweeping, ten country study, The Work-Family Interface in Global Context comprises the most comprehensive and rigorous cross-cultural study of the work-family interface to date. Just as... (more)
Why Siblings Matter is a cornerstone text on siblinghood, offering a much-needed scientific update on the supportive role of sibling relationships. Integrating findings from a 10 year longitudinal... (more)
This book is about the changing social contexts for fathering in the United Kingdom since the end of the Second World War, and the social moves from patriarchal fatherhood to multiple ways of doing... (more)
Couple and Family Psychoanalysis Journal is an international journal sponsored by The Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, and aims to promote the theory and practice of working with couple and... (more)
Couple and Family Psychoanalysis Journal is an international journal sponsored by The Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, and aims to promote the theory and practice of working with couple and... (more)
Schema Therapy (ST) was developed to treat patients with complex disorders, especially personality disorders, with a powerful new set of interventions. Personality disorders, as well as more general... (more)
The reverberations of autism spectrum disorders among parents and siblings can be complex. Parents may grapple with the impact of their child's initial diagnosis, wrestle with the tension between... (more)
Lust, romance, attachment... Antatomy of Love explores such questions as whether monogamy is natural, why we choose certain partners and why we might cheat on them. In this completely revised... (more)
Couples counseling is distinct from individual and family therapy and, while ideas from these other formats may be overlapping, applying theoretical concepts to couples has distinctive challenges.... (more)
As a quality resource that examines the psychological, neurobiological, cultural, and spiritual considerations that undergird optimal couple care, Foundations for Couples' Therapy teaches readers to... (more)
Parents Are Our Other Client: Ideas for Therapists, Social Workers, Support Workers, and Teachers stands out among the vast literature on counseling children and families by finally giving... (more)
Relational Family Therapy introduces a cutting-edge family and couple therapy model that synthesizes relational theories and integrates object relations theory with interpersonal psychoanalysis and... (more)
'This book is essential reading for any health care professional in this field. The writing is crisp and compelling, superbly edited. The chapters move from history and theory to detailed approaches... (more)
Couples counseling is distinct from individual and family therapy and, while ideas from these other formats may be overlapping, applying theoretical concepts to couples has distinctive challenges.... (more)
Parenting: Contemporary Clinical Perspectives offers fresh insights into treating parents and their children that highlight the evolving role of parents throughout the lifespan and amidst... (more)