Attachment Theory Books

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Nurturing Natures: Attachment and Children's Emotional, Sociocultural and Brain Development

Nurturing Natures: Attachment and Children's Emotional, Sociocultural and Brain Development

by Graham Music

  • Paperback £34.99

This new edition of the bestselling text, Nurturing Natures, provides an indispensable synthesis of the latest scientific knowledge about children’s emotional development. Integrating a wealth of... (more)

Anxiously Attached: Understanding and Working with Preoccupied Attachment

Anxiously Attached: Understanding and Working with Preoccupied Attachment

Edited by Linda Cundy

  • Paperback £21.99

Anxiously attached individuals feel chronically insecure and their relationships are often intense, angry, and enmeshed. In the spectrum of anxious attachment, some people tip into states of acute... (more)

Ritual Abuse and Mind Control: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs

Ritual Abuse and Mind Control: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs

Edited by Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph Schwartz

  • Paperback £35.99

People who have survived ritual abuse or mind control experiments have often been silenced, accused of lying, mocked and disbelieved. Clinicians working with survivors often find themselves isolated,... (more)

Shame Matters: Attachment and Relational Perspectives for Psychotherapists

Shame Matters: Attachment and Relational Perspectives for Psychotherapists

Edited by Orit Badouk Epstein

  • Paperback £22.49 (RRP : £24.99 save £2.50)

Understanding shame as a relational problem, Shame Matters explores how people, with support, can gradually move away from the relentless cycle of shame and find new and more satisfying ways of... (more)

Attachment and the Defence Against Intimacy: Understanding and Working with Avoidant Attachment, Self-Hatred, and Shame

Attachment and the Defence Against Intimacy: Understanding and Working with Avoidant Attachment, Self-Hatred, and Shame

by Linda Cundy

  • Paperback £28.99

This book combines attachment theory and research with clinical experience to provide practitioners with tools for engaging with individuals who are indifferent, avoidant, highly defensive, and who... (more)

Attachment in Psychotherapy

Attachment in Psychotherapy

by David J. Wallin

  • Paperback £37.99

This eloquent book translates attachment theory and research into an innovative framework that grounds adult psychotherapy in the facts of childhood development. Advancing a model of treatment as... (more)

Affect Regulation Theory: A Clinical Model

Affect Regulation Theory: A Clinical Model

by Daniel Hill

  • Hardback £25.99

Affect regulation theory—the science of how humans regulate their emotions—is at the root of all psychotherapies. Drawing on attachment, developmental trauma, implicit processes, and neurobiology,... (more)

Self-Agency in Psychotherapy: Attachment, Autonomy, and Intimacy

Self-Agency in Psychotherapy: Attachment, Autonomy, and Intimacy

by Jean Knox

  • Hardback £27.99

A discussion of the self, both in and out of therapy.

For each of us, our thoughts, beliefs, desires, expectations, and fantasies constitute our own sense of a unique identity. Here, Jungian and... (more)

Terror Within and Without: Attachment and Disintegration: Clinical Work on the Edge

Terror Within and Without: Attachment and Disintegration: Clinical Work on the Edge

Edited by Judy Yellin, Orit Badouk Epstein

  • Paperback £19.99

This monograph of the 2008 John Bowlby Memorial Conference brings together papers by leading contributors to the field of attachment and trauma that explore the means by which individuals struggle to... (more)

Couple Attachments: Theoretical and Clinical Studies

Couple Attachments: Theoretical and Clinical Studies

Edited by Molly Ludlam, Viveka Nyberg

  • Paperback £35.99

The couple relationship is at the centre of this book. The complex nature of the couple attachment is emphasized, drawing both on psychoanalytic concepts and on attachment theory. The chapters aim to... (more)

Separation: Attachment and Loss: Volume 2

Separation: Attachment and Loss: Volume 2

by John Bowlby

  • Paperback £16.14 (RRP : £16.99 save £0.85)
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The second volume of Attachment and Loss continues John Bowlby's influential work on the importance of the parental relationship to mental health. Here he considers separation and the anxiety that... (more)

Attachment: Attachment and Loss: Volume 1

Attachment: Attachment and Loss: Volume 1

by John Bowlby

  • Paperback £16.14 (RRP : £16.99 save £0.85)

This classic examination, the first book in a psychology trilogy, of the processes that take place in attachment and separation and shows how experimental studies of children reveal a recognizable... (more)

Working with Attachment in Couples Therapy: A Four-Step Model for Clinical Practice

Working with Attachment in Couples Therapy: A Four-Step Model for Clinical Practice

by Jim Donovan

  • Paperback £24.99

Through an exploration of extensive case studies, this book demonstrates how the discovery and examination of original childhood attachment wounds is crucial to couple therapy. As many as half of all... (more)

Attachment Theory in Practice: Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with Individuals Couples and Families

Attachment Theory in Practice: Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with Individuals Couples and Families

by Susan M. Johnson

  • Hardback £34.99

Drawing on cutting-edge research on adult attachment--and providing an innovative roadmap for clinical practice--Susan M. Johnson argues that psychotherapy is most effective when it focuses on the... (more)

Dementia: An Attachment Approach

Dementia: An Attachment Approach

Edited by Kate White, Angela Cotter

  • Paperback £27.99

This interdisciplinary book offers a relational perspective to dementia care drawing on attachment theory and practice. Relevant to professionals and public alike, it brings together innovative... (more)

Promoting Healthy Attachments: Hands-on Techniques to Use with Your Clients

Promoting Healthy Attachments: Hands-on Techniques to Use with Your Clients

by Deborah D. Gray

  • Hardback £29.99

Attachment theory is all the rage in therapy these days. But what does a therapist do with all the theory? This book presents successful attachment-oriented interventions for clinicians to use with... (more)

Handbook of Attachment: Theory Research and Clinical Applications: Third Edition

Handbook of Attachment: Theory Research and Clinical Applications: Third Edition

Edited by Jude Cassidy, Phillip R. Shaver

  • Paperback £51.99

Widely regarded as the state-of-the-science reference on attachment, this handbook interweaves theory and cutting-edge research with clinical applications. Leading researchers examine the origins and... (more)

Coping and Complaining: Attachment and the Language of Dis-ease

Coping and Complaining: Attachment and the Language of Dis-ease

by Simon Wilkinson

  • Print £35.99

Good clinical practice is impossible without an understanding of the ways in which patients present their complaints. Patients have their own styles of coping and of expressing their concerns, and... (more)

Identity, Attachment and Resilience: Exploring Three Generations of a Polish Family

Identity, Attachment and Resilience: Exploring Three Generations of a Polish Family

by Antonia Bifulco

  • Paperback £39.99

Identity, Attachment and Resilience provides a timely foray into the new field of psychology and genealogy, exploring the relationship between family history and identity. The field encompasses... (more)

Attachment Disturbances in Adults: Treatment for Comprehensive Repair

Attachment Disturbances in Adults: Treatment for Comprehensive Repair

by Daniel P. Brown, David S. Elliott

  • Hardback £51.99

Attachment Disturbances in Adults offers an innovative therapeutic model and set of methods for treating adult patients with dismissing, anxious-preoccupied, or disorganized attachment. With rich... (more)

Creative Arts and Play Therapy for Attachment Problems

Creative Arts and Play Therapy for Attachment Problems

Edited by Cathy A. Malchiodi, David A. Crenshaw

  • Paperback £29.99

This book vividly shows how creative arts and play therapy can help children recover from experiences of disrupted or insecure attachment. Leading practitioners explore the impact of early... (more)

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment

by Pat Ogden, Janina Fisher

  • Hardback £43.99

The body's intelligence is largely an untapped resource in psychotherapy, yet the story told by the "somatic narrative" - gesture, posture, prosody, facial expressions, eye gaze, and movement - is... (more)

Addiction as an Attachment Disorder

Addiction as an Attachment Disorder

by Philip J. Flores

  • Paperback £45.00

'Addiction is a disorder in self-regulation. Individuals who become dependent on addictive substances cannot regulate their emotions, self-care, self-esteem, and relationships. In this monumental and... (more)

Attachment Across the Lifecourse: A Brief Introduction

Attachment Across the Lifecourse: A Brief Introduction

by David Howe

  • Paperback £27.99

How do past relationships shape who we are today? Attachment theory offers a powerful model for explaining how our earliest relationships affect not only our development as children, but also our... (more)

Assessing Adult Attachment: A Dynamic-Maturational Approach to Discourse Analysis

Assessing Adult Attachment: A Dynamic-Maturational Approach to Discourse Analysis

by Patricia McKinsey Crittenden, Andrea Landini

  • Hardback £43.00

A method for identifying the psychological and interpersonal self-protective attachment strategies of adults.

This book focuses upon new methods of analysis for adult attachment texts. The authors'... (more)

Attachment, Trauma and Multiplicity: Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder: Second Edition

Attachment, Trauma and Multiplicity: Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder: Second Edition

Edited by Valerie Sinason

  • Paperback £39.99

This revised edition investigates the still unaddressed and unexplored subject of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). With brand new chapters on police work and attachment theory it has been fully... (more)

Trauma and the Avoidant Client: Attachment-Based Strategies for Healing

Trauma and the Avoidant Client: Attachment-Based Strategies for Healing

by Robert T. Muller

  • Hardback £27.99

This book looks at how to effectively engage traumatized clients, who avoid attachment, closeness, and painful feelings.

A large segment of the therapy population consist of those who are in denial... (more)

The Challenge of Attachment for Caregiving

The Challenge of Attachment for Caregiving

by Dorothy Heard, Brian Lake

  • Paperback £34.99

The Challenge of Attachment for Caregiving describes a theoretical model for the development of caregiving that complements and also extends attachment theory. The model highlights the conditions... (more)

Love and Loss: The Roots of Grief and its Complications

Love and Loss: The Roots of Grief and its Complications

by Colin Murray Parkes

  • Paperback £35.99

Loving and grieving are two sides of the same coin: we cannot have one without risking the other. Only by understanding the nature and pattern of loving can we begin to understand the problems of... (more)

Clinical Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview

Clinical Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview

Edited by Howard Steele, Miriam Steele

  • Hardback £59.99

The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) is both a mainstay of attachment research and a powerful clinical tool. This unique book provides a thorough introduction to the AAI and its use as an adjunct to... (more)

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